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3 Things Indie Authors Should Stop Saying

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me... a well known phrase, and yet we indies sometimes get caught up in all kinds of "they said" and "we should because." But should we? Did they? For every six figure indie who is in KU, there's another wide. For every indie in the romance genre there's another making it in a niche. So why do we keep saying nonsensical things? Today the Alliance of Independent Authors gives you the three things indies should stop saying.
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Self-Publishing in 2021

It's been a tradition since founding the Alliance of Independent Authors in 2012 for ALLi's Director, Orna Ross to do a prediction post at this beginning of the year. Here's last year's post which was also a prediction for the decade to come, and is still relevant). But the events of 2020 have made such posts seem like hubris. Which is why today, Orna brings you her thoughts on what self-publishing in 2021 will look like.
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The Ultimate Guide to Leveling Up Your Author Business

When you start out in any business, there's a period of time where you make do. You find quick fixes, do things cheaply and patch jobs the best you can because everything is frantic and chaotic and there's a million things that need doing. But eventually the patch jobs fray, the quick fixes don't match your branding and the cheap solutions create more problems than benefits. This week, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team dives deep into business integration, and how to deepen, polish and strengthen your author business foundations.
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Self-Publishing is the Best Solution to Low Author Earnings

Self-Publishing is the best solution to low author earnings and it's time this was more widely recognized in the literary and publishing industries. These days, authorship is a business, not a career a point that Orna Ross, ALLi director discusses today. Literary and publishing industries are failing to recognize this, to the detriment of authors' ability to make a living from their writing.
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Encore Month: #IndieAuthors Broaden Your Business

In today's encore post, Authorpreneur Karen Myers explains why indie authors need to keep learning and expanding their indie author business activity in order to remain vibrant, profitable and dynamic in an increasingly diverse publishing marketplace. She draws on examples of opportunities she has seized upon to grow her expertise, her reach and her reputation, while continuing to write and publish her own series of fantasy and sci-fi novels.
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