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Seven Kinds Of Creative Rest

The Seven Kinds Of Creative Rest: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross and Howard Lovy

On the Creative Self-Publishing Podcast, we'll talk about creative rest to improve your work. Today's episode is the third of three parts in an integrative approach to creativity. In past episodes, we've discussed creative work and creative fun. Today, we'll discuss creative rest. But this is more than just taking a snooze to recharge. There are many different ways to rest, depending on your own needs. Helping to sort it out for us are ALLi Director Orna Ross and ALLi News and Podcast Producer Howard Lovy.
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Creative Rest

Stepping Back to Step Forward: Creative Rest for Indie Authors — Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Joanna Penn

In this month’s Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast ALLi Director Orna Ross and Enterprise Adviser Joanna Penn talk about the importance of creative rest for indie authors and how it is a core part of the writing and publishing process. They share advice on different ways to give yourself a break while and lessons learned from their own recent downtimes.
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The Ultimate Guide to Creative Rest for Indie Authors

Ask a dozen people what rest looks like, and you'll get a dozen different answers. Indie authors by nature tend to be workaholics. We have to wear so many hats, and so many roles to play, it's often difficult to remember one of those hats should be self-care. Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is diving into what creative rest for indie authors should look like.
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