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ALLi Insights NaNoWriMo Is Over Now Publish Your Novel Video And Podcast

ALLi Insights NaNoWriMo Is Over Now Publish Your Novel Video and Podcast

ALLi Insights Hosted by Orna Ross ALLi EventsNow Publish Your Novel

Did you take part in NaNoWriMo last year, and now have a finished draft in front of you, and are thinking “Now What?”

You're not alone.

Did you know that nearly half a million writers signed up for NaNo in 2015? That's quite a jump from 1999, when Chris (the founder of National Novel Writing Month) and 21 of his friends set themselves a target of 50,000 words in 30 days.

In January and February, NaNoWriMo support the revision and publishing process. It’s an extension of their November writing frenzy, and a much-deserved author break in December. The goal of this period is to help fulfil your novel's potential by getting it from it's rough first draft stage and see it through the publishing process into the hands of readers.

You've written a Novel, Now What?

Each year, NaNoWriMo hosts “Now What?” activities in January and February, to help authors take the first rough draft they completed at 11:59pm on November 30th though the editing and revising process. With a goal of getting more stories told.

Human beings are story making creatures and that’s how we understand the world… Grant

Cave Paintings are Stories NaNoWriMo and ALLi Insights

Cave Paintings were the original stories. Let's keep the tradition going.

There's a natural synergy between NaNo's focus on writing and ALLi's focus on self-publishing, and this month's ALLi Insights features Orna Ross and Grant Faulkner chatting about the author journey. As well as the importance (and power) of fiction.

Editing is a Creative Process

… sell revision as this fantastic Creative Moment. It’s every bit as creative, it’s just a different type of creativity .. Grant

Choose a different colour editing pen NaNoWriMo and ALLi

Tip: Choose some colour, other than red, for your editing process

Your gut reaction to the editing process is probably like most peoples; a critical teacher with a red pen, correcting all of your “mistakes”. But Orna and Grant talk about the creative magic that can happen when you take a different perspective on writing's editing phase.

Rather than focusing on the negatives in your writing, Orna talks about the Deepening process that focuses on the positives in your draft. These nuggets of good writing then become the foundation of a novel that readers will want to dive into.

Our ALLi Insights provides writers with some tips on how to ease you through the editing process, by focusing on the strengths of your story, and setting yourselves a goal and a deadline. You'll also discover how Orna determines when a novel is truly finished!

What's Next for NaNoWriMo?

Publishing is Part of the creative journey… Grant

NaNoWriMo will be featuring a series of ALLi articles focused on the self-publishing steps needed to ease your finished draft through the publication process.

NaNoWriMo is focusing on their Young Writer's Programme, and plan on rolling out a website specifically for teens later this year. They're also working on expanding their Library programme. Currently there are over a thousand libraries participating, which are used to host local writer's gatherings.

“NaNoWriMo Is Over Now Publish Your Novel” Video

“NaNoWriMo Is Over Now Publish Your Novel” Podcast

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Additional Resources

Publication 2016 edition: November 2015

How to Choose a Self-Publishing Service“, compiled by the Watchdog team at The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), tells you all you need to know in order to choose the self-publishing pathway that’s right for you.

Drawing on recommendations from ALLi members, warnings from our Watchdog Services, other community word-of-mouth and in-depth research, the book compares the most significant self-publishing services, from single service suppliers to package providers; from large big brand names to smaller sole traders; from off-the shelf providers to bespoke services.

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Grant Faulkner from NaNoWriMo

ALLi Insights Guest: Grant Faulkner

American writer, Grant Faulkner, is Executive Director of National Novel Writing Month, Co-founder of the lit journal 100 Word Story, Co-founder of the Flash Fiction Collective, and a member of the Oakland Book Festival’s Literary Council.

Orna Ross Author Profile

ALLi Insights Host: Orna Ross

Orna Ross launched the Alliance of Independent Authors at the London Book Fair in 2012. Her work for ALLi has seen her named as one of The Bookseller’s “100 top people in publishing”.

She also publishes poetry, fiction and nonfiction, and is greatly excited by the democratising, empowering potential of author-publishing.

Orna Blogging at NaNoWriMo

Orna is writing a series of four blog posts about self-publishing your novel on the NaNoWriMo Blog – check them out here:

NaNoWriMo Articles by Orna Ross

Here's the topics Orna is blogging about:

  1. deepening and editing the first drafts
  2. design and formatting
  3. production and distribution
  4. marketing and promotion

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