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Stop Wasting Time And Money On Book Marketing That Doesn’t Work: Ali Dewji

Stop Wasting Time and Money on Book Marketing That Doesn’t Work: Ali Dewji

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Ali DewjiFrustrated by a lack of marketing results? Overwhelmed and not sure where to start or what will work for you? You are not alone. Ali Dewji has seen many well-meaning authors waste time and resources keeping busy but targeting the wrong people with the wrong message, or having the wrong offer in the wrong place.

In this session, Ali will teach you how to avoid wasting your precious energy and budget on activities that won't result in book sales, using his T.R.A.C.K. book marketing system.

#IndieAuthorFringe Stop Wasting Time on Book Marketing That Doesn’t Work @iamselfpub Share on X

What questions or feedback do you have for Ali Dewji? Leave him a comment below, or send him a Tweet using @iamselfpub and our event hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe

Click here to find out more about Ali Dewji

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Session Giveaway

The winner of the giveaway will get Ali! For an hour! A 1:1 is up for grabs where you can get individual and tailored feedback on your current marketing activities and advice on how to build (or re-build) your marketing plan, as well as the opportunity to discuss or ask any questions you have about self-publishing and author marketing. An invaluable session for any author (also worth $150).

Ali Dewji

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    Author: Indie Author Fringe

    The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


    This Post Has 9 Comments
    1. I loved the levity you added to the presentation t– he golf-fish video for the Hit & Hope types made me laugh out loud. And your Elvis homage to “A little less conversation, a little more action please” was perfect, as Informational Paralysis really resonates with me. Thank you for sharing!

    2. Hey Thalia,

      When authors come to me asking for help because their marketing is underperforming the first thing I ask them is if I can have a look at their marketing plan. In 7 years I have never been shown one.

      Structure a solid plan, set a monthly financial budget and time commitment then put in place a system to review and adjust your approach and you’ll see MASSIVE improvements in your results.

      Never too late to get back on TRACK!! 🙂

    3. Very good overview – thank you! Unfortunately I fit all the author types 🙂 In the downloaded notes, I found the list of advertising words and their impact but you suggested in the video that there were words to avoid because they come-over as hard-sell, and that they would be in the download. Maybe I’ve missed them but I would find that useful too? Thank you.

      1. Hi Jean,

        We’ll send out that list with some other useful goodies to you guys this week! Glad you enjoyed the session.

    4. Thanks so much for this Ali! Without a doubt this has been the most useful and actionable guide to book marketing I’ve seen. I saw a bit of myself in nearly all the author categories outlined here but generally I’m just daunted and fearful of marketing. But now I’m incited to plan an effective campaign and I know what to avoid

      1. Thanks, Sam!

        What a lovely accolade – we worked really hard to put this together so it puts a smile on my face to know that you found it helpful. Go get ’em!!!!

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