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Speak At The Spring 2020 #SelfPubCon

Speak at the Spring 2020 #SelfPubCon

Call for speakers! Planning for the Spring 2020 Self-Publishing Advice Conference, a.k.a. #SelfPubCon, is underway. So it's time we called for you to speak at the spring 2020 #selfpubcon. We're ready for your submission, but be quick, the submission portal is only open for two weeks, it closes on the 30th November.

If you share ALLi's passion for promoting excellence and ethics in self-publishing, and you have a skill or opinion or service or product that can help indie authors around the globe improve their craft, we want to hear from you. Giving and supporting the indie author community may be reason enough, but know there are other benefits for #selfpubcon presenters.

What is #SelfPubCon?

#SelfPubCon is a twenty-four-hour FREE online conference ALLi runs twice each year. We deliver stacks of content, interviews and presentations, a new one on the hour each hour throughout the day.

The Spring 2020 #selfpubcon runs for the twenty-four-hour period from 10am GMT Saturday March 14 to 10am GMT Sunday March 15, 2020. #selfpubcon is in conjunction with London Book Fair 2020, being held in London, UK March 10 – 12.

The theme for the Spring 2020 #selfpubcon is ‘Money and Authors.’

This spring we will be focusing on money. Both how to earn it, how to keep it and how to use it effectively to continue to grow your business. Our sessions will cover topics on money matters before you publish, how to grow your income once your business is set up and how to ensure your business and money last for a lifetime.

Call for Speakers

Ideally, we’re looking for content that supports helping indie authors on the theme of Money and Authors, in the form of a video voiced-over PowerPoint-style presentation between thirty and sixty minutes in length.

The deadline to submit your presentation content is January 15, 2020. Any submissions received after January 15, 2020 cannot be guaranteed a place in the conference. We have a short submission form which you can find here.

But be quick, there's only two weeks to pitch.

Proposal deadline is November 30th.

Why Pitch to be a Speaker?

Build your confidence

As a speaker you'll build your confidence for speaking at future events and book signings, launches, or in-person presentations. Our conference is online, which means you don't need to speak physically in front of an audience. You can pre-record your presentation in the safety and comfort of your office, living room, or wherever you work. The beach, even.

Grow your audience

Our conference reaches thousands of indie authors on all corners of the globe. If you want to grow your audience, this is a prime opportunity. Links to your website, books, and social media will accompany your presentation. The more you participate in the event, the more you'll grow your audience.

Sell more books

Does what it says on the tin. By being a part of the conference, you'll raise awareness about your books, courses, or products and this will inevitably lead to sales. From personal experience as a presenter in the Spring 2020 #selfpubcon, I can tell you I saw inflated sales for weeks.

Connect with others in the author community

Not only is this a chance to grow your audience, but it's also a chance to connect with other speakers and authors in the community.

Not an ALLi member?

Presenters who are ALLi members present for free.  You're always welcome to join us as a member.

Even if you're not technically an indie author, but you have a platform, or a service, or a product that is of benefit to members of the indie author community. You can still respond to our call for speakers, and it sounds like we want to talk to you about a sponsorship opportunity, which can also (but doesn't necessarily have to) include the right to present. If this sounds like you, contact [email protected]

Spring 2020 Self-Publishing Advice Conference #SelfPubCon is upon us and we're looking for speakers. #indieauthor #selfpublishing #IARTG #ASMRG #writingcommunity Share on X


If you don't want to present, but you have an idea for a topic you'd like to see in the conference as part of our Money and Authors theme, let us know in the comments.

Author: Sacha Black

Sacha Black is a bestselling and competition-winning author. She writes the popular YA Fantasy Eden East novels and a series of non-fiction books that are designed to help writers develop their craft. Sacha is also a developmental editor, wife and mum. Website: www.sachablack.com


This Post Has One Comment
  1. Hello,
    I am a new author and ALLi member (book launched August 12 on Amazon) and not sure if I can offer valuable service re: Money and Authors, other than to tell my tale.
    ALLi members helped me a lot with advice and caveats and answers to my questions, and I only wish I had known about you earlier in my process. That said, my book has cost $9200 Cdn so far to publish, and dashboard data from my publisher BookBaby will start to flow soon. So I cannot yet share with an audience the return on money and time invested.
    But if you think sharing my newbie experience would be of interest to your audience, I’m happy to discuss it with you.

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