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Self-publishing Authors Earn More says ALLi Income Survey

A recent survey of more than 2000 authors commissioned by ALLi, the Alliance of Independent Authors, has found that self-publishing authors earn more than writers with publishers. And that independent (indie) author incomes are rising, year on year. This contradicts information from earlier author income research and is good news for authors choosing the self-publishing route.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Melissa Addey

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Melissa Addey. ALLi Campaigns Manager Helps Other Authors Find Their Voices

My ALLi author guest this episode is Melissa Addey, who you may already know as the campaigns manager for the Alliance of Independent Authors and co-host of the Beginners Self-Publishing podcast. But Melissa is also an accomplished indie author, herself, focusing on historical fiction. She also uses her expertise to help other self-published authors find their voices.
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