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Book Marketing

How to Boost Your Book Sales Through Marketing with Traditional Media and P.R. with A.G. Billig: Self-Publishing Conference Highlight

Join author A. G. Billig in this Self-Publishing Advice Conference Highlight: How to Boost Your Book Sales Using Traditional Media and P.R., two of  the most valuable tools in your book-marketing arsenal. When used wisely, they can boost your visibility, sales, and number of loyal and get you on the bestseller lists.
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Productive Self-Publishing During COVID-19, with Orna Ross and Joanna Penn: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast

In the last few weeks, much has changed as COVID-19 sweeps the world, impacting lives and the economy. In this special episode, Orna Ross and Joanna Penn discuss how indie authors can stay physically and mentally well, and keep writing, publishing, and sensitively marketing books—as well as how to prepare for potentially challenging times ahead. 
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