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InstaFreebie Explosion: How To Add Thousands Of Targeted Readers To Your Email List: Paul Teague

InstaFreebie Explosion: How To Add Thousands Of Targeted Readers To Your Email List: Paul Teague


paul-teague-authorAuthor and digital marketer Paul Teague will show you how to add targeted, genre-specific readers to your email list using InstaFreebie, at a cost of less than 2c per lead.

Using InstaFreebie takes all of the guesswork out of finding new audiences, writing high-converting ads copy, creating eye-catching images and all the other headaches (and expenses) which come with using Facebook and Amazon ads. As a new author, you need to start shifting books – and fast – without the delays and additional costs of advertising campaigns. It also helps if learning how to use a new marketing strategy doesn’t feel like you’re taking a 3-year university degree! 

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What questions or feedback do you have for Paul Teague? Leave him a comment below, or send him a Tweet using @PaulTeagueUK and our event hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe

Click here to find out more about Paul Teague


Win free access to Paul's comprehensive Self-Publishing Academy online training course. A non-geeky, step-by-step resource for all authors who want to get self-published and selling books! It’s a 7 module program which is jam-packed with information, resources, tips, how-to guides and practical recommendations. See more at:
Paul Teague

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


This Post Has 9 Comments
  1. I really enjoyed your presentation, Paul! I’ve been dreading setting up an email list, but after you made this simpler today, I decided to take the plunge and set up an author account on Instafreebie. Alas, I got snagged with an email issue when trying to sign up for mailerlite, however. Now I’m back to scratching my head over how to proceed, so I don’t know if I’ll get this going or not. It seems mailerlite wants me to have an official .com email account via my author website, but my site forwards any email sign-ups to my gmail account (which I’ve begun using for only business. (I can have a .com account with my author site if I pay, or try their ShoutOut service). I have a .com account with my artist website, but this is going to be complicated if I begin mixing everything up and have 4 email accounts…

    So anyway, I was excited about starting and now I’m grounded again. If you happen to have any reference links that might point me in the right direction to straighten this out, I’d appreciate it so much!

    1. Hi Pamela, you have to have that bespoke email address I’m afraid. It’s all connected with spam and domain names – in very simple terms, if we all used gmail/hotmail/sky email addresses we could completely wreck mailerlite’s good email delivery records and mess up their business.

      You’ll find this to be the case with all reputable email marketing services.

      It’s just a cost of doing business, you’ll have to find a way around this if you want to use email marketing.

      I would recommend getting a cheap hosting package like … that allows you to build your own website and have unlimited email addresses on your domain name.

      If you check out my book WordPress Unboxed/P.Teague I show you how to set up the bespoke emails within a Siteground account as well as how to build a website on WordPress 🙂

    1. Very good podcast Paul, I really enjoyed it, I learned a lot and can’t wait to use it to grow my list. A question re Author profile in Amazon – ! I use my real name for non-fiction ebooks, so can I use the same name for my fiction books ? – I’ve just finished writing two thrillers so need to get my website sorted muy pronto. I know you use an initial in the middle of your name for your fiction books, and Joanna Penn uses JF Penn for hers. Are these still considered your real name or do they become pen names? Thanks 🙂

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