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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Dawn Brookes. British Author Calls Upon Decades As A Nurse To Populate Her Cozy Mysteries

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Dawn Brookes. British Author Calls Upon Decades as a Nurse to Populate Her Cozy Mysteries

My ALLi author guest this episode is Dawn Brookes, a British writer of cozy mysteries and a former nurse who worked in healthcare for nearly 40 years. After retiring from nursing, Dawn began writing full-time, drawing on her extensive experience to create rich characters and engaging stories. Dawn uses her life experiences to fuel her writing and is indie because it allows her to connect with readers and build a fan base.

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Listen to the Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Dawn Brookes

On the Inspirational Indie Authors podcast, @howard_lovy features @dawnbrookes1, who calls upon her decades as a nurse to populate her cozy mysteries. Share on X

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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Dawn Brookes. About the Author

Dawn Brookes is an award winning and occasional international bestselling author. When not cooking up murder plots, Dawn spends time reading, listening to music, gardening, bouncing around with her godson, and walking. She also takes time out to cruise regularly. She holds an MA in Creative Writing with distinction. You can find Dawn on her website.

About the Host

Howard Lovy has been a journalist for more than 35 years, and now amplifies the voices of independent author-publishers and works with authors as a developmental editor. Find Howard at howardlovy.comLinkedIn and X.

If you’re a published indie author who would like to be interviewed by Howard for the Inspirational Indie Authors podcast, you need to be a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors.

Then contact Howard, including your membership number, explaining why you’re an inspirational indie author and what inspires you.

If you haven’t already, we invite you to join our organization.

Author: Howard Lovy

Howard Lovy is an author, book editor, and journalist. He is also the Content and Communications Manager for the Alliance of Independent Authors, where he hosts and produces podcasts and keeps the blog updated. You can find more of his work at https://howardlovy.com/


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