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A Chance To Win Free BookBaby #IndieAuthorCon Tickets

A Chance to Win Free BookBaby #IndieAuthorCon Tickets

Bookbaby logoWith the conference season well under way now, we're pleased to share a preview of BookBaby's Independent Authors Conference 2018 (#IndieAuthorCon) which will take place in Philadelphia, USA, November 2-4.

And ALLi has two free tickets, each worth $199, to give away to two lucky ALLi members!

Book Baby Conference banner

Sponsored by BookBaby, one of the nation’s leading self-publishing services companies, The Independent Authors Conference is the only US event dedicated to self-publishing.

At the conference, independent authors will learn from industry experts what it takes to publish, market, and sell their books, while managing their writing career.

You may choose from more than thirty keynotes, workshops, and sessions. Topics include:

  • marketing
  • pre-sales
  • cover design
  • sales funnels
  • audiobooks
  • hybrid publishing
  • publishing in global markets
  • and more

Keynote Speaker: Joanna Penn

Joanna Penn Author Profile

Keynote speaker and ALLi Advisor Joanna Penn

At the closing of the conference, Joanna Penn, as #IndieAuthorCon Keynote speaker, will share how she has crafted a career as a self-published author and provide ideas and inspiration to attendees to follow in her footsteps.

How to Enter the ALLi Draw for Two Free Tickets

ALLi will award a free ticket to the two ALLi members, drawn at random from applicants who submit a one-sentence reason why they would like attend the event.

Please note that all applicants must be available to attend the conference on November 2-4, and that the free tickets are not transferable.

To apply: please send an email with “Bookbaby Tickets” in the subject line, to [email protected], saying in a single sentence why you'd like to win a free ticket, as soon as possible.

Calling @indieauthorALLi members - here's your chance to win one of two free tickets to the fab @BookBaby #IndieAuthorCon this November! Share on X

From the ALLi Author Advice Center Archive


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