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The Authors’ Best Friend: Ignite Your Email List: Joel Friedlander And Nick Stephenson

The Authors’ Best Friend: Ignite Your Email List: Joel Friedlander and Nick Stephenson


Joel Friedlander Indie Author Fringe Speakernick stephenson

Authors know they should be blogging to build an audience for their books, but far too many quit without achieving anything.

In this fascinating head-to-head discussion between Joel Friedlander and Nick Stephenson you’ll learn how to build a practical strategy that brings together your writing, the needs of your readers, and your own personality and working style. Also discussed: the three dimensions of a good email marketing strategy (hint: it’s not just about the traffic) and  a ton of great methods — some of which Joel and Nick use themselves — guaranteed to explode your list(s).

Click here to take up the special offer of the free Training talked about in this video.

#IAF16 Do you want to Ignite your Author Email List? @JFbookman @Nick_Stephenson bit.ly/IAF172952 #selfpub Share on X

Click here to discover more about Joel Friedlander and Nick Stephenson.


Joel has teamed up with platform-building and marketing expert Kimberley Grabas to create a suite of tools that will help you craft the perfect book launch easier than ever before. The Book Launch Toolkit includes a 103-page guidebook that provides you with a platform-building strategy and twenty tools and techniques you can use in your own book launch. You'll also receive seven templates and five cheat sheets to get your launch organized and on-track. It's a highly competitive market out there, and the Toolkit will equip you with the knowhow and instruction you need to give your book the launch it deserves.

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Nick is offering a free download of his “Reader Magnets” PDF. Reader Magnets are what bring readers to YOU. They’re an irresistible force that draw readers in – the promise of getting great value content and building a valuable connection. That’s what it’s all about, after all – making meaningful connections with your audience – building a direct line to your readers. This is what happens when a reader decides to trust you with their email address. And you can make this work using Reader Magnets.

Reader Magnets PDF Nick Stephenson

Click Image to claim your free download of Nick's Reader Magnets


Joel The Book Designer

Session Sponsor

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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