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How And Why To Set Up An Amazon Author Page By Mark GIllespie

How and why to set up an Amazon author page by Mark GIllespie

headshot of Mark Gillespie

Indie author Mark Gillespie

From Australia, Scottish indie author Mark Gillespie makes a compelling case for every self-published writer to set up their own Amazon Author Page, and talks you through how to do it.

I’m sure no self-respecting author reading this post has neglected what is easily one of the most valuable free marketing platforms on the Internet – the Amazon Author Page.  After all, it’s as if Amazon has offered us our very own ID card.  Bear in mind too, that this card is accessible to millions of people who shop on Amazon everyday.  And did I mention that it’s free?   All things considered, that’s not a bad marketing tool to have in your authorpreneur toolbox, is it?

Why You Shouldn't Disregard Amazon's Free Online ID Card

But for some reason or another, not all authors, be they indie or trade, are making full use of their Author Page.  Just in case that’s you, let me explain why I think this is a mistake. First of all, speaking as a reader myself, this is a huge turn-off.  When I click on the author link under the book title, it means I want to know something further about the man or woman behind the book.  And if you’re not there on your Author Page, then I’m not happy.

Think about it.  If the reader isn’t happy at every single stage of the book buying process, then they’re probably not going to buy.  Many readers are curious about authors.  It’s up to you to satisfy their curiosity.

The Modern Equivalent of the Book Jacket Bio

It doesn’t take much work to set up an Author Page.  Think of it as the twenty-first century equivalent of the traditional book bio on the back cover.  Consider all the extras thrown in and you’ll see why the Amazon Author Page is so much better.  My own Author Page is very much a work in progress, but even at this early stage, it still lets you know just enough about me and what I do.

Screenshot of Mark Gillespie's own Amazon Author Page

“Mine's a work-in-progress” says Mark – but then, shouldn't we be constantly evolving such items anyway?

So what do I have up there?

  • Most noticeable are the two books that I’ve released so far.  More books will make the page look better but in the meantime I’ve made sure my covers are strong because these, above all else, are what stand out on an Author Page.
  • I’ve got a recent photo up too.  This could be bigger, but – unlike having no photo at all – it’s not a red light issue.
  • My biography is up to date and I wrote this in first person as I think it’s more personal.  It’s up to you if you want to write in third person.  The bio itself can be as extensive as you want but it’s best not to overdo it.
  • There are links to my blog too.  The Amazon US Author Page allows you to do this (take note: different countries have different Author Central sites – US, UK, France, Germany, and several others).  A link to your blog has the potential of attracting further traffic to your website which is always good.   You can also add videos to your Author Page, which means book trailers if you have them.
  • Upcoming author events, such as speaking engagements or workshops can be added in too.

Isn’t that better than a traditional book bio?

What's Not to Love about Amazon Author Pages?

So why are Author Pages still being neglected by some writers?  One of the most common reasons is probably just ignorance of its existence.  For others, it’s perhaps not that big a deal.  It’s all about the product, some might say.

Well, I would disagree because as far as I’m concerned, the author is the product.

Remember this, we aren’t really selling books – we’re selling ourselves.  What does an empty Author Page say about your aspirations as an authorpreneur?  Or about the importance you place on readers finding you?  Think about it.

OVER TO YOU If you have any top tips to add to Mark's great advice, please feel free to share them via the comments box.

If you're an #author, make sure you fill in your #Amazon Author page - @MarkG_77 explains why & how Share on X


Does Amazon Love Authors? – by Orna Ross

Why There's More to Self-publishing Success Than Amazon Reviews – by Fiona Cameron

What's the Point of an Author Website – by Karen Myers

Author: Mark Gillespie

Mark Gillespie is the author of 'FAB' and 'The Outsider Tales'. A former professional musician and freelance sports writer, Mark recently relocated from Scotland to Australia. Fortunately, he hasn't seen a single snake, shark or deadly spider yet. In the meantime, he writes speculative fiction - alternate histories, post-apocalyptic, and horror. You can find out more about Mark at www,markgillespieauthor.com.


This Post Has 20 Comments
  1. Thanks for the great article Mark, it was great to see your Author page and discover your insights.

    One benefit/tip I didn’t see mentioned in your article was the ability to add editorial reviews (I read that you can do with an Author Central page in this article https://kindlepreneur.com/amazon-author-central-page/)

    Have you had much experience with that? Do you know anecdotally if people have seen results from adding editorial reviews on their author central page?

  2. Author Page sounds like an essential tool for we independents. I’ve never had one though, despite being an member from the start. I’ll start by Googling Amazon Author Page, then return to your excellent article.

    1. Thanks for the kind words David. And yep, it’s an essential tool as far as I’m concerned. I still see too many people with a blank void for a page and it’s such a waste. As well as frustrating from a reader’s perspective. Good luck with your ventures!

  3. Excellent advice Mark! I’ve taken advantage of the author page on Amazon but after reading your article I think I’ll spruce it up a bit! Thanks!

    1. Hey Anne,

      Thanks for that. Yep, particularly with the US author page – there’s so much you can add. Hopefully others, like the UK site, will allow authors to add blogs etc…And remember if you’re targeting overseas markets, there are pages for France, Germany, Japan, and India too. Translation time! 🙂

      1. Yikes, Mark! I didn’t realize we had to make a separate author page for each country! I only have one for the U.S. I guess I have my work cut out for me this afternoon. Thanks for the heads up!

  4. Hi Mark,

    Thanks for this great write-up on Author Pages through Amazon. As a new writer, I love having the author page so much that I have it as number one contact on my business cards. You are right as the possibilities for that page. I am probably about where you are in that I recently added my blog as well. So, I will pass this along and perhaps more authors will realize the importance.

    1. Hi Gippy,

      Thanks very much. Good on you for using that on your business card – that’s a really good idea. Hopefully over time, more authors will realise the importance of their Amazon Author Page – you sound like you know what you’re doing anyway 🙂

        1. Hi Gayle,

          I’m actually Scottish, although I live in Australia now. Yep, we spell it with an ‘s’, as do the Australians I believe.

          It’s only the Americans who can’t spell 😉

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