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Inspiration For Indie Authors Going Global At NINC2015

Inspiration for Indie Authors Going Global at NINC2015

Orna Ross Author Profile

ALLi founder Orna Ross

From somewhere over the Atlantic, ALLi's founder Orna Ross takes for ALLi's Going Global campaign from the NINC 2015 Publishing Conference in Florida, USA.

As this post goes live, I am on my way back to London from the NINC conference in Florida.  For those who don’t know, NINC (Novelists Inc) is the only writers organization devoted exclusively to the needs of multi-published novelists.  It’s a fantastic organization with values and ideas that very much aligned to ALLi's – and they sure know how to throw a conference.

NINC logo

Top Seven Highlights from the NINC conference


6 The beach. 5 The beach. 4 The beach. 3…


Okay, it wasn’t the entire highlight of the trip. Au contraire! (See below to see just how much I’m kidding). But it's certainly an improvement on the city conference halls of Manhattan and Frankfurt and made the time between sessions delightful. And yes, those sessions were full of delights too.


The theme of this year's conference was NINC World and, from my own perpective, this was one of the main reasons I was so interested in attending, as ALLi is working on its own Going Global campaign, sponsored by Ingram Spark, which we’ll soon be rolling out to our members on all six continents soon.

It was interesting to hear so many speakers and delegates whose thinking is aligned with ALLi: that the opportunities “overseas” (which means anywhere but the United States, and to a lesser degree the United Kingdom) are too good to ignore and where savvy indie authors will be putting their attention in the coming months.But how? ALLi is committed to become an international organisation in a meaningful way. We have members on all six continents. How can we harness that, and work together for each other, so that it works well for all? That's the question that ALLi's Going Global campaign has set out to answer. And #NINC15 too.


Which was where the conference’s First Word Day came in.  Curated by Porter Anderson and the NINC team headed by Kasey Michaels (who has written — sit down to hear this — 400 books!), it was a full-on day: six hours of exploring possibilities, asking questions and positing answers about how best to find readers everywhere in the world. Because just because we have the technology, doesn’t mean that we can get the readers to buy the book. It was an important day and I learned a lot, all of which will be put to the benefit of members in months to come.

Porter Anderson, NINC’s Media Partner, set the scene, followed by the the colourful serial entrepreneur and cultural commentator, Richard Nash on the privileges of writing and publishing in English.  I’d had the delight of hearing Richard speak before but I hadn’t realized he was Irish, let alone that he comes from the family that purveyed Nash’s red lemonade, a sugary concoction of water and colourings much beloved by Irish children and whiskey drinkers everywhere.

But I digress. After Richard had elevated the audience with his elegant allocution, I brought things back to earth with a look at how indie authors can sell more abroad, in English and in translation. The slides are on Slideshare here: http://www.slideshare.net/OrnaRoss/how-indie-authors-sell-publishing-rights.

Scott Beatty & James Bryant of Trajectory spoke of getting books into China (more on that for ALLi members soon).  The ever-wonderful Robin Cutler told us about the latest developments with IngramSpark and the equally wonderful Matthias Matting gave a fantastic summary of how to self-publish in Germany. We also heard from publishing consultant Thad McIlroy and Gareth Cuddy, founder and CEO of Vearsa, now moving into the self-publishing space.


After all that, we had two more days packed with excellent sessions and speakers. More from us on all of that soon.


More soon too about some of the new services and tools I heard about, but one I want to introduce you to immediately is a cool new service for keep track of your book sales.  I started using it a few weeks ago, and had some questions about security. (You have to hand over your dashboard  passwords). So I was very pleased to meet with Jack Royale ( husband of Lauren )  and ask him all about this family business that he works on with his son, Brent. Booktrakr is great and free at the moment and coming out of beta testing soon. We’ll be interviewing Jack and Brent  on an ALLi Insights seminar soon.

2 ALLi Members

Meeting ALLi Author members Elizabeth Spann Craig, M. Louisa Locke, Gillian Doyle (who turned out to be moderating one of my sessions) Diane Capri, Steena Holmes and lots of other author and partner members, including Robin Cutler of IngramSpark, Julia Coblentz of Nook PressChristine Munroe of Kobo Writing Life and Neal Thompson, an author himself and the new Author and Publishing Relations Manager at Amazon. We now have 40%+ members in the US and it's always so great to catch up IRL, instead of Google Hangout. Yes, even better than that dang beach. (Cue final ST Pete's beach pic):

photo of beach with waves and seabirds

And at number one, it was … te dah! … drumroll please:


It's always a pleasure to acknowledge achievement and the highlight of the conference for me was being able to present ALLi's Outstanding Service to Authors Award 2015 to Partner Member Draft2Digital IRL. The  recipient of the award  is decided by the author of  How To Choose A Self-publishing Service, this year Jim Giammatteo.

Photo of Orna presenting certificate to Kris

Orna Ross presents Kris Austin, CEO of Draft2Digital, with the ALLi Outstanding Service to Authors Award

The boys at D2D have had an amazing year, adding new services, including no-asset pre-orders and new vendors. Here’s the roll-call of their achievements, and what’s coming soon.

  • At the vendor level, they've added Tolino (essential for that German market) and, soon, 24Symbols (a Spanish-language powerhouse).
  • The website has always been clean and easy to use, and they've optimized the publishing process and customer support to deliver faster and more reliable results.
  • They've created great tools for easy management of international territorial pricing.
  • They've educated authors about opportunities in international markets at several major conferences.
  • They've created tools to assist authors with managing an ever-growing catalogue.
  • And – top favorite – developed promotional opportunities that were mutually beneficial to them and us, the authors, and the digital stores. These guys have the ear of Apple iBooks, Kobo and other players on the international side.

48  Draft2Digital authors have had New York Times Bestellers so far this year

Draft2Digital logoNext year Draft2Digital will be:

  • Adding more digital stores.
  • Implementing more improvements to large catalog management.
  • Pursuing more opportunities for merchandising.
  • But major focus is on developing a reader-facing service to enhance discoverability of independently published books. You can preview that now at Books2Read.com.

At ALLi, we’ll be bringing our members all the benefits, news, connections and possible collaborations that emerged from NINC15.

My thanks to Porter, Kasey, Karen and Julie for the opportunity to attend.

OVER TO YOU If you attended NINC 2015, we'd love to hear your perspective – please feel free to share it in the comments box!

#ALLi founder @OrnaRoss reports on #NINC15 conference as part of our #GoingGlobal drive Share on X



Author: Orna Ross

Orna Ross is a bestselling and award-winning author of historical fiction and inspirational poetry, and a creativity facilitator. As founder-director of the Alliance of Independent Authors, she has been named one of The Bookseller’s Top 100 people in publishing. 


This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. It was a pleasure to meet Orna and other Alli members at the NINC conference after I missed you all during the London Book Fair in the spring. There’s a lot of synergy in the NINC group that can be shared and amplified by Alli, for sure.

    1. Diane, it was so great to meet up at last. You are one of those amazing authors from whom we all learn so much and it was a joy seeing you share your knowledge. Looking forward to making our global initiative something that works well for indies everywhere.

  2. Just landed back in Blighty today, Mary Louisa, with head spinning through the jetlag. It was great to connect with you IRL and I look forward to following-up (once I’ve had a nap!)

  3. Orna, it was so great to meet you in person at NINC, and I suspect that as a result of your attendance we shall start to see a good number of new Alli members in the coming months.

    It was certainly a very thought-provoking conference, and after having attended Bouchercon, Left Coast Crime, and the Historical Novel Society conventions in the past year (where traditional publishing still dominated–and the few panels addressed to indie publishing were usually pretty weak) it was very exhilarating to see packed room after packed room of successful authors who were clearly indie or hybrid listening to speakers who were giving them concrete tools to use to improve their sales.

    Mary Louisa

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