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Happy Holidays! Free Writing And Publishing Gifts For Authors

Happy Holidays! Free Writing and Publishing Gifts For Authors

Orna Ross Headshot ChristmasIt's the season of giving, and we're spreading good cheer and good news for ALLi members and friends, with lots of writing and publishing discounts and free gifts.

We run many offers through the year which our partner (service) members make available exclusively to author members. For example, as a follow up to their Indie Author Fringe Session,  Reedsy hosted an exclusive editorial and design giveaway for ALLi members (lucky winners below).

Check out some of our other seasonal offerings by following the links below.

And of course there is the free wealth of information, advice and education to be found in the Member Zone, here in our almost daily blog, and throughout the Self-Publishing Advice Center.

We'll be unveiling many more opportunities for ALLi members in 2017.

Mark Dawson's Self-Publishing 101

First off, if you missed out on Mark Dawson's Self-Publishing 101 course, Mark is considering opening his cart briefly in January, in an exclusive deal for ALLi members which will offer some free courses and bursaries. Watch out for more on that, early in January.

Winners of the Reedsy Giveaway

Author Member Graham Stewart won a Reedsy full developmental edit (editing, copy editing and proofreading) on his next manuscript (up to $2,000). Author Member Alexandria Blaelock and Professional Member Katie MacAlister are the two runners-up and won a free Reedsy cover design (up to $500).

Digital Book World Discount

Digital Book WorldThis one is open to all ALLi members and friends.  The code ALLIDBW17 will deduct $25 on tickets for the Indie Author Day ($269), and to quote organizer, Porter Anderson, “we'd love to have as many ALLi folks as possible there, of course!”

Indie Author Fringe Discounts

Two of the offers run in association with our author conference last October, FrankfurtIndie Author Fringe, run to the end of the year. Again, being associated with our free, open, online author conference, these discounts are open beyond our member base.

  • Independent Ink are offering 10% off their services, or free ePub or Mobi files if you use their services for Print-Ready files.
  • S&H Publishing are offering 15% off their books and Short & Helpful™ learning modules that help authors hone their craft.

Members Discounts & Deals

Don't forget to visit the ALLi Member Discounts & Deals Page for member-exclusive discounts and deals (currently 50+ offers and mounting!). All through the year, we have a wide range of offers that our Partner (service) members offer exclusively to ALLi members, all to help you achieve your goals.

It's the season of giving. Visit us to share in the #publishing discounts and #freegifts. Share on X

The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi)

It's all part of ALLi's aim to answer any self publishing needs you might have — and our wider mission to facilitate creative expression for all authors, any way we can.

We thank you for allowing us to share your self-publishing journey in 2016 and look forward to walking that way with you again in 2017.

All of us at ALLi wish you and yours peace and happiness in that new year and in the remaining days of the old. And a holiday season full of ease, freedom and creative flow, in everything you do.

Happy writing and publishing in 2017 … and beyond.



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    Author: Orna Ross

    Orna Ross is a bestselling and award-winning author of historical fiction and inspirational poetry, and a creativity facilitator. As founder-director of the Alliance of Independent Authors, she has been named one of The Bookseller’s Top 100 people in publishing. 


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