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Countdown To BookExpo Indie Author Fringe On June 3rd

Countdown to BookExpo Indie Author Fringe on June 3rd

Self-Publishing Indie Authors unwelcome at BookExpo?

Back in 2014 self-publishing took hangentre stage at BookExpo America as uPublishU offered up a day packed with programming targeted to indie authors. Fast forward three years and BookExpo America has been rebranded as BookExpo, and self-published indie authors no longer have a seat at the table for this publishing industry event that is touted as “The #1 book and author event“.

Opening Up to Indie Authors

Ironically, ALLi had planned to launch the updated version of their “Opening Up to Indie Authors” guidebook at BookExpo, instead it is being launched as part of our BookExpo Indie Author Fringe event being held on June 3rd.

In the absence of BookExpo offering self-publishing content for indie authors, our Indie Author Fringe Gold sponsor Ingram Spark will be hosting Indie Author 101 sessions during BookExpo, which we'll be incorporating into our Fringe agenda.

Find out how and why indies got dropped as part of the whole BookExpo rebranding, with this discussion between ALLi Director Orna Ross and Porter Anderson.

If you think Literary organizations, events managers, book stores, libraries and review outlets must continue to find ways to welcome independent self-publishing authors within the industry, show your support by signing our Opening Up to Indie Authors campaign petition.

Open up to indie author petition
Change.org Opening UP

Update about Indie Author Fringe

Our second fringe event of 2017 will cover HOW TO SELL YOUR BOOK, and includes tips, tools, and techniques for marketing and promoting you and your book.

Indie Author Fringe Speakers

Indie Author Fringe SpeakersWe’ve lined up a roster of world-class speakers, who are sharing their book marketing and promotion experience and expertise in order to help you reach more readers and sell more books.

The conference will cover all skills levels, with some topics specifically aimed at beginners, intermediate or established self-publishers.

We’re rolling out the reveals of our speakers over the next couple of weeks, and you can check to see who’s scheduled and their topics on our Speaker Page.

Check out our #IndieAuthorFringe speakers for our FREE June 3rd Online #Selfpub Conference bit.ly/2p3v9og Share on X

Book Cover Competition

If you haven't entered your fiction or non-fiction Book Cover in our Free Competition, there's still time.

You can submit more than one entry, but only one version of a cover (e.g. not multiple versions of the same cover, so if you submit the ebook version of your cover, don't submit the paperback or audio version of it as well)

The closing date and time for entries is at the start of the Indie Author Fringe Event at 10am (New York Time which is BST-5) on Saturday June 3rd 2017.

Indie Author Fringe Sponsors

Thanks to our event sponsors:

Indie Author Fringe Sponsor image



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