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Coming Soon: Our New Sunday Spotlight On Success Feature – For All Kinds Of Self-publishing Success Stories

Coming Soon: Our New Sunday Spotlight on Success Feature – for All Kinds of Self-publishing Success Stories

Orna and Mark at LBF

Orna Ross and Mark Dawson spreading success stories about indie authors around the world

Our new Sunday Spotlight on Success feature will highlight a broad range of success stories from our membership around the world. Read on to find out what it will include…

We're pleased to herald the arrival of a new feature on the Alliance of Independent Authors' Advice Center blog: a Sunday Spotlight that will highlight not only high-flying zillion-sellers, but also success stories of all kinds.

What is Self-publishing Success?

Trying to provide the definition of success for an indie author is about as woolly a question as “how long is a piece of string?”

Professor Alison Baverstock, a specialist in self-publishing sector, famously defines the minimum print run for a successful self-publishing project to be a single copy, where the purpose is simply to capture for posterity a socially valuable memoir or historical record.

For some authors, getting a single book to market may be the be-all and end-all of their aim, at least initially. Many begin by defining success in modest terms but expand their ambitions as they surpass each self-imposed milestone.

However, the vast majority of indie authors aim for substantial sales of one or more books, and endorsement not by the old gatekeepers of traditional publishing but by readers showing their appreciation via public reviews and repeat purchases.

A growing number develop into full-blown authorpreneurs whose writing forms the hub for complex commercial business plans – but that's not the only definition of self-publishing success.

In the past, we've shared many case studies of high flyers who have been super-successful in their self-publishing careers, providing impressive role models for those of us still on the earlier part of our journey.

In our new Sunday Spotlight on Success feature, we'll be celebrating successes at every level, so whatever your own self-publishing ambitions, you'll find examples her to inspire you, with each special guest answering the following nine key questions.

Insights into Self-publishing Success

  1. What is your proudest achievement to date as an indie author?
  2. What's the single best decision you ever made?
  3. What has been your biggest surprise as an indie author?
  4. What has been your greatest challenge as an indie author and how have you dealt with it?
  5. How do you get and stay in a creative mood?
  6. How do you remain productive and motivated?
  7. What's your favourite thing about being an author–publisher?
  8. What are your top tips for other ALLi authors?
  9. What’s next for you?

Our Advice Centre Editor, Debbie Young, will be inviting a diverse range of authors to take part who represent our membership around the world. If you'd like to nominate yourself, please email Debbie with one sentence on what other authors might learn from your particular success story.

Please note that only ALLi members will be invited to feature here. If you've not yet joined and would like to know more about the many benefits of membership, please click here.

OVER TO YOU Like to share what your definition of success is? Please feel free to leave a comment.

New feature on our #selfpub blog to showcase indie author role models Share on X



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