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Working With Bookstores: A Case Study With Dianne Gardner

Working with Bookstores: A Case Study with Dianne Gardner

In our occasional series about indie authors working in partnership with bricks-and-mortar bookstores, US novelist Dianne Gardner shares her success story of building a mutually beneficial relationship with her local branch of Barnes & Noble. While many indie authors are choosing to bypass the bricks-and-mortar bookstore route to readers for commercial reasons, it is still possible to work together effectively. If your heart is set on pitching to physical bookstores, Dianne Gardner's report will inspire you.

Dianne Gardner at her book signing at Barnes & Noble

Dianne Gardner has established a mutually beneficial relationship with her local Barnes & Noble bookstore

My art teacher once told me if you don't respect your work, no one else will either.

We as authors work hard researching, we spend money on classes, workshops, and conferences, and we put much labor into bringing our stories into print. I do my best to deliver not only a good book but an attractive one as well.

Pursuing My Bookstore Dream

It has been a dream of mine, ever since I began to write, to have my books in prominent bookstores and libraries. Just this last month, after five years of being self-published, I realized that dream.

A friend introduced me to the book buyer of Barnes & Noble here today in Silverdale, Washington. I had my first signing last month, and they asked me back.

The buyer there showed me all the shelves on which they are putting my books, plus they are making me a special label on the shelf with my name and “local author” tagged onto it. The store purchased a good quantity of every title I have on IngramSpark.

The buyer took me to his computer and showed me how well my novels have been selling and told me how happy he is with the result. I'm invited to sign anytime I want to.

He said that their store has such success with their local author program that other stores throughout Washington (and maybe nationwide) are using the Silverdale branch as a role model for supporting local authors.

Because of the respect I've been given at both Barnes & Noble and IngramSpark, I feel validated as an author. I am selling books, not pages. Both companies are professional in their respect for my work, and I love the way things are going for me.

(You can visit this wonderful store online and in the Kitsap Mall, Silverdale, Washington, USA.)

How to Get your self-published book into Bookstores

Ebook available as free download to ALLi members, and for non-members to buy from all the usual retail channels

For More Information about Collaborating with Bookstores

Still wondering whether it's worth your while to approach bricks-and-mortar bookstores? ALLi's guidebook, How to Get Your Self-published Book into Bookstores, will help you make an informed decision – and if you do decide to go this route, it will guide you on how best to approach them.

OVER TO YOU If you have a success story to share of working effectively with a local bookstore, we'd love to hear about it. Cautionary tales also welcome!

How indie author @DianneGardner sells #selfpublished books through Barnes&Noble @BNBuzz Share on X

From the ALLi Author Advice Center Archive

Author: Dianne Gardner

With a passion for a good wholesome story D L Gardner dives into the adult and young adult fantasy genres. She is both a bestselling author and an award-winning illustrator who lives in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Dianne loves a book that ignites imaginations, strengthens friendships, spurs courage and applauds honor. Though she targets her stories for young adults, her books are enjoyed by all ages.

Dianne was born in Ohio and raised in southern CA. She attended Northern AZ University and later continued her education in the Pacific Northwest. She's an oil painter, book illustrator, screenwriter and filmmaker. She writes under the names of D L Gardner.



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