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Should I Consider Republishing My Book After Making a Mistake? Other Questions Answered by Orna Ross and Michael La Ronn: Member Q&A Podcast

Should I consider republishing my first book? This is among the questions answered on our #AskALLi Member Q&A, hosted by author Michael La Ronn and ALLi Director Orna Ross.
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Premium Products

10 Premium Products That Authors Can Create and Sell to True Fans, With Orna Ross and Joanna Penn: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast

A premium product or service is a high-value item that an author sells alongside their books to expand influence and income. A well-selected premium product can more than double the profit in your author business. But what premium products work for authors? Drawing on ALLi’s ten possible business plans for authors, Joanna Penn and Orna Ross suggest premium products across fiction, nonfiction and poetry from the obvious to the unusual.
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Instagram Poetry

Using Instagram Poetry to Grow Your Audience, with Orna Ross: Self-Publishing Poetry Podcast

In this month’s #AskALLi Self-Publishing Poetry Salon, Orna Ross takes a deep dive into the most popular social medium for sharing poetry: Instagram, and speaks to Phoebe Garnsworthy, an Australian spiritual author, poet, meditation teacher, and ALLi member, who has grown her following to 227K, using only organic methods.
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Kate Woodard

Interview with Kate Woodard: Children’s Author Breaks Language Barrier in Brazil — Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My guest this week is Kate Woodard, a children's-book author who did not let a language barrier stand in the way of connecting and communicating with young people. When Kate moved to Brazil, she spoke not a word of Portuguese. But through making local connections with schools and bookstores, her readers were able to find her and the language barriers were broken down.
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ACCESS Marketing

Using ACCESS Marketing to Get Your Book In Front of the Right Readers, With Sacha Black and Orna Ross: Self-Publishing Fiction & Nonfiction Podcast

In this #AskALLi Self-Publishing Fiction & Nonfiction Salon, Sacha Black interviews Orna Ross about the concept of ACCESS Marketing from her new book, Creative Self-Publishing. ACCESS stands for Attract, Captivate, Connect, Engage, Subscribe, Satisfy, Sell and ACCESS marketing is a carefully crafted sequence of communications—which you also use to get words for your work-in-progress—that gives you direct access to the right readers for your books.
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Amazon Advertising

Getting the Most from Amazon Advertising: AskALLi Members’ Q&A Podcast

Our usual AskALLi Members' Q&A is taking a break for this month and being replaced by a special salon on Amazon advertising. From understanding the customer journey to the benefits of sponsored products, this ALLi podcast is for authors who are getting started with Amazon advertising and want to learn how to set themselves up for success.
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True Fans

How Authors Can Make an Income from 1,000 True Fans, Podcast with Orna Ross and Joanna Penn: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast

In 2008 Kevin Kelly wrote about the value of a creator having 1,000 true fans (you can read the updated version of the essay here). The idea is that you don’t need to be an influencer with a million followers to make a living from your work. All you need are 1,000 true fans each spending $100 a year on your products or services, for you to make $100,000 a year. But does the concept hold true for authors? Are books, a low cost item, enough or do you have to add on more premium products? And how does an author create true fans… and keep them? Join Orna and Joanna to find out. 
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Creative Self-Publishing

Creative Self-Publishing — Your Books, Your Way with Orna Ross: Self-Publishing Conference Highlight

Creative self-publishing is when indie authors approach our publishing tasks, and our author business, with the same creative mindset that we bring to our writing. It focuses not just on what we do, but how we do it, as we publishing our books and establish our author business.
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