German publisher Ralph Möller devised the Book2Look widget, which offers samples from your book side-by-side with social links, to be a “viral marketing tool for books” in the German, English and Spanish-speaking worlds. Together with Karen Inglis, a children's author who has been road testing the tool, and Beth Kallman Werner Founder and President of Author Connections, and US agent for Book2Look, he discusses its value for self-publishers. The panel also addresses the wider challenges of book discovery for indie authors.
#IndieAuthorFringe Book2Look: What is it? @RalphMoellers @kareninglis @authorconns Share on X
What questions or feedback do you have for these speakers? Leave them a comment below, or send them a Tweet using @RalphMoellers @kareninglis or @authorconns and our event hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe
Click here to find out more about Ralph Möller, Karen Inglis and Beth Werner
Book2Look savings via Indie Author Fringe – US
The US franchise for Book2Look is run by Author Connections, so if you're in the USA, you can email and mention code IAF20 to purchase up to 5 biblets for $150. These offers are valid for purchases between 1 June until 31 August 2017
This was a very useful presentation. I am a freelance publishing consultant and I offer services that allow an author to self publish using print on demand (POD) services such as that offered by Ingram (IngramSpark/Lightning Source). I have used them for many years and they provide a superb service, especially the provision of metadata to a wide range of book distribution agencies. My question – assuming that my client will be uploading a final PDF to Ingram for POD (i.e. after I have done the typesetting/layout/cover design, etc. for them), can I advise an author to purchase 10 ISBNs via Nielsen in the usual way (i.e. currently £174) plus one (not 5) Book2Look/Biblet to promote the 1st ISBN that they are intending to produce (they don’t need more than one), i.e. purchase the Book2Look/Biblet system direct from Book2Look? Bob Carling
I like the concept but I do not know if it is affordable. As a US author, how likely is this service to aid with growing an audience and awareness. It is a step-up from creating a flip magazine which seems to be gaining steam amongst content providers these days. Thank you for sharing the information.
What are the prices in US dollars?