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Best Writing Advice 2018

Best Writing Advice 2018

Debbie Young standing up writing in a notebook

Debbie Young picks some of our best posts about writing craft from the 2018 blog

Debbie Young, ALLi Author Advice Center Manager, picks some of the most popular posts sharing advice about writing craft from 2018, to inspire and inform your writing ambitions and plans in 2019.


One of the many great things about being a part of the indie author community and the Alliance of Independent Authors in particular is that whatever genre we each write in, and no matter how experienced we are, we can also learn from each other's experiences.

Each Wednesday on our blog, we share best practice to do with writing craft, from finding initial inspiration to polishing the finished manuscript to perfection. Here is a cross-section of posts about different aspects of writing craft, chosen from our weekly #WritersWednesday series that ran throughout the year.

2 Must-Reads on the Writing Process

3 Ways to Grow Your Catalogue & Income

3 Posts on Building Your Writing & Editing Skills

2 Fun Posts

Like to Write about Writing for ALLi in 2019?

This is just a small sample of the ideas about writing that we shared on the ALLi blog this year. If you'd like to contribute to this strand in 2019, we'll be very glad to hear from you – just read these guidelines about writing a guest post for our blog before sending in your ideas.

Please note: only ALLi members are eligible to write guest posts – if you've yet to join, the new year is a great time to sign up! For joining information, visit www.allianceindependentauthors.org.

In the meantime I wish you every success with whatever you plan to write in the new year. May it be your best writing year yet!

10 Top Posts on #Writing Advice from the 2018 @IndieAuthorALLi blog - to inspire #indieauthors everywhere for 2019! - compiled by @DebbieYoungBN Share on X



This Post Has 2 Comments
    1. OMG!!! Synopsis is my terrible nightmare. During school years, we were forced to write synopses on works of art and use this in our research works. For this reason, I have always turned to specialized services for help. But you were very good at explaining how to use this creative technique correctly.

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