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Best Book Marketing & Promotion Advice From 2018

Best Book Marketing & Promotion Advice from 2018

Photo of Debbie Young at bookstall

Debbie Young shares ALLi's top posts from 2018 on book marketing & promotion

This year on the blog we've had a terrific range of posts about all aspects of book marketing and promotion, to help you keep up with the latest developments and opportunities for indie authors to sell their books, while also consolidating the basics that should be on every self-published writer's to-do list.

Here is a selection of the expertise shared by our author and partner members and our advisors, for the benefit of the whole indie author community. And if the specific marketing or promotion topic that is currently top of your agenda is not covered in our top 10 posts here, you'll find instructions of how to find just what you're looking for at the foot of the post.

 2 Key Concepts about Book Marketing & Promotion on Amazon

2 Essential Tenets of Book Marketing & Promotion

2 Evergreen Ways to Reach More Readers

2 Ways to Reach Readers Beyond Your Home Territory

2 Marketing Tactics That You Will Positively Enjoy!

For More Information about Book Marketing & Promotion

  • If you'd like to read more of our many posts on this broad topic, use the box in the sidebar to “search by category” and scroll down its menu to click on “Book Marketing & Promotion”.
  • You can also find posts on specific marketing and promotion topics by typing the appropriate keywords into the search box.
  • For more in-depth information, check out our range of AskALLi guidebooks in our Successful Self-publishing range, written by indie authors for indie authors. These are available to buy in paperback and ebook versions – you'll find more information about the full range here: www.selfpublishingadvice.org/guidebooks-for-authors/
  • ALLi members may download the ebook free of charge via the membership website as just one of 22 benefits they gain from paying our annual subscription. Not yet a member? The start of a new calendar year is a great time to join – though of course you may join at any time! Find out more about membership benefits here: www.allianceindependentauthors.org.
Top tips about #bookmarketing & #bookpromotion in this round-up from ALLi's Author Advice blog this year - compiled by Advice Center manager @DebbieYoungBN Share on X


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