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Alliance of Independent Authors: Coronavirus Assistance, Advice and Resources for Independent Authors

Leaders around the world have told us that we are in the middle of the health crisis induced by COVID-19, coronavirus, and we are all now facing into its implications. Most of us, we are told, can expect nothing worse than a week in bed with flu-like symptoms, but some of us are greatly vulnerable. We at ALLi want to wish you and your loved ones wellness and recovery. Your health and wellbeing is what’s most important at this time. Stay as safe as you can. 
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Ain’t I an Author? Why Self-publishing Changes Everything for Everyone in Publishing

Self-publishing is much more than an alternative route to market for authors, says Orna Ross, director of the Alliance of Independent Authors in her opinion post this month.  Drawing on two new reports about conditions for authors, she explores myths and misunderstandings about authorship that are relics from an age that's now over. And explains how self-publishing changes everything for everyone in publishing. 
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SEO For Authors: Google Search Algorithm Changes

SEO for Authors: Google Search Algorithm Changes

If there's one thing we can all be assured of in our industry, it's that change is a constant. The blog has run in its current format for a while, but with algorithm changes at Google Search affecting SEO for authors, we're changing our format. This post explains the changes you can expect around here and what the Google Search algorithm changes might mean for you.
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Self-Publishing Predictions For 2020

Self-Publishing Predictions for 2020 and the 2020s

This New Year is special as it marks not just the changing of a year but the start of a new decade. And how things change in a decade. It's hard to believe that barely more than a decade ago the iPhone was a new fangled piece of technology. But here we are a decade later with a plethora of technology at our fingertips. Today, ALLi director Orna Ross looks not to the past, but to the future, to 2020 and the decade to come. Here are her self-publishing predictions for 2020 and the 2020s.
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How To Get Your First 50 Book Reviews: A Quick & Easy Guide for Indie Authors

Encouraging people to publish and share reviews of your book is a key book-marketing activity, possibly the single most important of marketing task for a publisher. ALLi's latest Quick & Easy Guidebook (now available in the Member Zone) focusses on how to get your first 50 book reviews.
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Indie Authors and Creative Self-Publishing

FOMO, aka fear of missing out, has been around for a long time. But it feels like it's becoming more acute the more connected our world becomes. Technology and social media have eradicated barriers to communicating. We're all up in each other's business, knowing exactly what everyone is doing, what advertising they're using and how much profit it's making. But you have to wonder whether that's as poisonous as it is helpful. In this inspirational post, ALLi Director Orna Ross takes a moment to stop and reflect and remind each of us that the only way to win in this industry is to follow a creative self-publishing approach: to be uniquely-you.
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Self-Publishing is the Best Solution to Low Author Earnings

Self-Publishing is the best solution to low author earnings and it's time this was more widely recognized in the literary and publishing industries. These days, authorship is a business, not a career a point that Orna Ross, ALLi director discusses today. Literary and publishing industries are failing to recognize this, to the detriment of authors' ability to make a living from their writing.
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