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ALLi Insights: Author Rights With Toby Mundy Video And Podcast

ALLi Insights: Author Rights with Toby Mundy Video and Podcast

ALLi Insights Generic LogoIn this special edition ALLi Insights, Orna chats with Creative Management agent Toby Mundy to introduce an exciting opportunity for qualifying ALLi members to leverage their global rights through the Toby Mundy Agency.

Meet Toby Mundy of TMA

Toby Mundy Author Agent Rights RepresentationToby has been in publishing for 25 years and worked at Harper-Collins and Fontana Press before joining Orion as their editorial and publishing director.

After Toby founded Atlantic Books Limited (where he served as chief executive and publisher from 2000 to 2014) he launched Toby Mundy Associates.

“It's great to be working with writers again”

TMA's New Partnership with ALLi

Toby represents suitable books by ALLi Members, placing them with foreign rights publishers and TV and film producers, in association with Ed Victor Ltd. Now ALLi and Toby are joining forces to create a twice-yearly rights catalogue to be circulated prior to London Book Fair and Frankfurt Book Fair each year.

This groundbreaking publication is designed to attract industry attention for ALLi's successful self-publishing authors.

Qualifying professional ALLi members will be included in this catalogue, and Toby will represent their books to interested global rights buyers and scouts.

This new ALLi partnership is uniquely positioned to create a publication that can become a significant event in the global book rights arena, and will represent a six-monthly snapshot of self-publishing talent looking to capitalize on their global rights.

We can be confident about curiosity in this space, but pivotal for the success of this new venture is the ability to tell a story about an author and their work.

Find out more about this exciting ALLi partnership by watching our You Tube Video or listening to the Podcast here:

Watch the ALLi Insights Video with Orna Ross & Toby Mundy

Prefer Audio? Listen to the ALLi Insights Podcast with Orna Ross & Toby Mundy

FAQ about the Rights Catalogue from ALLi

When does the rights catalogue service commence?

  • January 2016

Is the service available to all members?

Does an ALLi member get these sub-rights services free?

  • Yes, all of ALLi’s services are always free to members.

Where can I find out more information?

More Insights about Publishing Rights from Toby

Rights are how authors take advantage of their intellectual property. In most traditional publishing agreements, creative rights are retained by the author but they license their rights to a publishing company (e.g. grant the right to produce a version of a book). e.g.

  • e-Book Rights
  • Audio book Rights
  • Print book Rights

Over the lifetime of a book, more and more of the rights come into play.

  • Translation Rights
  • Video or TV Rights
  • Radio Rights
  • Comic Strip Rights
  • Merchandizing Rights
  • Territory Edition Rights (e.g. US vs UK version)

The rights space is changing and rights are different for self-publishing than with Trade publishing. Print books are the core of traditional publishing, but for the self-published author their rights journey usually starts off with an e-book, and then print as a subsidiary right.

It was heresy in the trade-publishing world … to call print a subsidiary right.

But everything is changing. Amazon and other platforms like Kobo, Apple iBooks and Ingram, with their digital delivery channels, have enabled an enormous number of authors to enter the self-publishing space, and Toby affirms that what he calls “micro-publishing” is one of the most dynamic and organic spaces in the whole book industry.

In a universe where industry giants are thinking about brand management, the indie space is focused on innovation and creativity.

Now's the optimal time in the industry to launch this new rights partnership with Toby Mundy, and if you're an ALLi member who wants to be considered for inclusion in this new rights catalogue, visit the SELL YOUR RIGHTS page in the ALLi Member's Zone.

If You Haven't (Yet) Sold That Many Books.

ALLi also has an arrangement, including a one-to-one consultancy for its members, with two of the largest, and most active, rights selling platforms: IPR License and Pubmatch. More details here

Other Exciting Rights News

How Authors Sell Publishing RightsHow Authors Sell Publishing Rights helps authors navigate today’s complex rights marketplace and points up the best ways to reach decision-makers in various industries, what these rights-buyers are looking for, and what to expect in negotiating a license or sale of rights.

Covering both business and legal aspects, and focussing particularly on audiobooks, TV & film and translation, How Authors Sell Rights shows how the rights landscape for authors is transforming and yielding unprecedented opportunities.

This the how-to book for authors who want to confidently, and competently, license and sell their publishing rights.

Where can I watch or listen to more ALLi Insights?

What are ALLi Insights?

Each month, Orna Ross hosts an different topic during the ALLi Insights Google Hangout. These Alliance of Independent Authors live events focus on topics that are important and relevant to all Indie Authors.

Look out for our next ALLi Insights in January 2016.


Exciting Book Publishing Rights opportunity from ALLi and the @TMA_agency. #authorrights #iartg Share on X


This Post Has 11 Comments
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  5. I’m glad we spent it together, too. You know that’s the only way I’d do it. Not to age us faster, but why can’t the 25th be next year?Do your kids know what to do if you do have a nervous breakdown? Do you have instructions on the fridge?

  6. What a fantastic video, Orna. There is so much more here than simply rights. This should be mandatory viewing for all authors, Indie or not. Toby is such a knowledgeable guide to this area.

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