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New ALLi Self-publishing Services Directory 2019  – Free!

New ALLi Self-publishing Services Directory 2019 – Free!

cover of ALLi Self-publishing Services Directory 2019

Free to download, view and print for reference – click image for pdf file

We're delighted to announce the publication of the 2019 edition of the annual ALLi Self-publishing Services Directory.

“Each service provider listed in our Services Directory has been vetted by our Watchdog team and has signed up to ALLi's code of standards,” says Orna Ross, ALLi Director. “If you're an indie author, we hope you will use this directory often, to find the perfect service provider for your particular project at each stage of its development.”

The Directory gives details of all the services offered by our tried-and-trusted Partner members across the various stages of the self-publishing process:

  • Writing
  • Editorial
  • Design
  • Production
  • Distribution
  • Marketing
  • Promotion

There is a also a section for companies that offer a multitude of services,  and ALLi's Partner Member Code of Standards, which fosters ethics and excellence in self-publishing, is also included for reference.

Feature Articles

For extra interest and to add context, we have included some of the best and most relevant blog posts from the ALLi Author Advice Center Archive:

  • Why Book Marketing Doesn't Trump Writing Craft
    by Debbie Young, ALLi's Author Advice Center Manager
  • 8 Self-editing Techniques to Cut Your Editing Time in Half
    by Hayley Milliman of Pro Writing Aid
  • Running the Gaunlet: The Value of Criticism
    by ALLi Watchdog, John Doppler
  • Why & How to Build a Book Project Plan
    by John Wagner-Stafford of Ingenium Books
  • Putting Readers First: An Essential Ingredient of Successful Book Marketing
    by indie author David Penny
  • Money Should Flow to the Author
    by ALLi Watchdog John Doppler

With Thanks to Our Partners

We are grateful to all our Partner Members for their cooperation in the compilation of this comprehensive 68-page directory, and special thanks are due to those who have supported us with advertising. We are also pleased that so many Partner Members continue to offer generous deals and discounts exclusive to ALLi members. More details of these special offers are available to ALLi members only via the membership website, www.allianceindependentauthors.org – you must be logged in to see them.

For More Help with Choosing Author Services

For further guidance on how to choose which of the many excellent services to use, read our guidebook, Choosing the Best Self-publishing Companies and Services – a free download is available to paid members of ALLi, and the ebook and paperback are also available to buy on all platforms.

  • Are you an author but not yet an Author Member of ALLi? Click here to find out what else ALLi membership could mean to you.
  • Are you a self-publishing services provider but not yet a Partner Member of ALLi? Click here to find out what else ALLi membership could mean to you.

Feedback on Services Always Welcome

A great deal of author community intelligence feeds into this directory, from both authors and advisors. All the information we receive about service providers is overseen by Resources Director Philip Lynch and by the Services Watchdog Desk, overseen by John Doppler.

If you would like to provide feedback about a service you have received, please do not hesitate to contact john{at}allianceindependentauthors.org. All such information will help us keep our recommendations current and accurate. Thank you.

#Indieauthors - need help choosing the best #selfpub services for your book project? Check out ALLi's new free Directory of #Selfpublishing Services, free to download here! Share on X



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