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2024 Indie Author Predictions With Orna Ross – Happy New Year!

2024 Indie Author Predictions With Orna Ross – Happy New Year!

Orna Ross, ALLi Director

Where will we be 12 months from now? What new trends and tech will come to feel like a normal and natural part of author life? What will fall by the wayside? ALLi director Orna Ross peers into the crystal ball.

Indie authors in 2024 – what's coming?

Every year on the ALLi blog I stick my neck out and hazard some predictions about what to expect in the coming 12 months and beyond. Over the years, most of the predictions have generally come through–though not all, or not yet.

For instance, we have yet to see the widespread adoption of blockchain technology and NFT assets by authors. That doesn't mean NFTs turned out to be irrelevant. Some authors are doing very well with them. And this, of course, shows the irrelevance of trends to an individual. Self-publishing encompasses such a wide variety of authors, genres, methods and approaches that something trending in one segment of the community may have little or no effect for most others.

What's most important always, with self-publishing or any creative business, is to see what's trending for you. This will be a combination of what suits your processes and what attracts more readers.

With that caveat in mind, here are my predictions for 2024.

Happy New YearAI-assisted tools will proliferate

The deliberate adoption of AI technology by authors really took off in 2023 and this will continue to increase next year – in generation of first drafts, improving and proofing final drafts, generating narration and illustration. It has never been easier for authors to produce polished content. And it's never been easier for non-authors to produce coherent text and put a book together (in e-book, print or audio). This means standards will rise and we'll all need to up our game.

Humanization and personalization

In a world where mechanistic text proliferates, what the marketeers call “author branding” will become ever more important to readers. As bland, straightforward text becomes commonplace, exciting voices will be more valued. Authors will have to think more critically about how they brand themselves as well as their books—as writers, as publishers, and as human beings. Savvy authors will offer more personalized content and books tailored to individual preferences. Instead of competing on price, that authors who compete with their creativity are those who are going to do best in 2024 and beyond.

Direct-to-consumer sales and marketing

Authors will increasingly bypass traditional distribution channels, selling directly to consumers through their own websites, social media platforms, and using payment platforms like Substack or “social commerce” on social media sites.

Subscription models

More authors will offer subscription models and memberships, where readers pay a recurring fee for ongoing content. These will take different formats e.g. serialized books, exclusive extras for members or patrons, early access to new material for insider readers, and other exclusive experiences or rewards. And they will be offered in different places e.g. Patreon, Ream, Shopify, or on their own WordPress platforms, using membership plug-ins.

Crowdfunding for books and other projects

Publishing is now one of the fastest growing categories on most crowdfunding platforms. Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo will be increasingly used by indie authors in 2024, for initial funding, market testing, or each time they launch a book.

Pair of headphones with integral microphoneAudio will continue to grow

The popularity of audiobooks and podcasts will continue to grow and with all the big-five self-publishing platforms now accepting AI generated audio, more self-published authors will venture into these formats, if they haven't already–producing audiobook versions of their work and creating original podcast content.

Increased global reach

Digital platforms will continue to break down geographic barriers, allowing self-published authors to reach global audiences more easily. Each year, this improves a little more. Distributor PublishDrive has reported how some authors are achieving up to 200% more book sales year on year, by selling globally, with 56% of their sales coming from international markets.

Whatever unfolds, self-publishing will continue to be a vibrant and varied environment, full of potential for both authors and readers, and will challenge writers to continuously adapt and innovate.

Through it all, ALLi will be here to help. Let us know how we can assist with whatever trend is calling to you.

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If you've missed any of our blog posts from 2023, catch up in our annual roundups:

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