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2021 So Far: Member Q&A Podcast With Orna Ross And Michael La Ronn

2021 So Far: Member Q&A Podcast with Orna Ross and Michael La Ronn

We're taking a podcast break during the month of August, so instead we'll bring you what we've covered in so far on our 2021 Member Q&A Podcast with Orna Ross and Michael La Ronn. Below are some of the highlights, with links to the full podcasts, videos, and transcripts. We'll return in September with new episodes.

ALLi's Member Q&A podcasts are sponsored by Kobo Writing Life, a global, independent ebook and audiobook publishing platform that empowers authors with a quick and easy publishing process and unique promotional opportunities. To reach a wide readership, create your account today! Thank you Kobo for your support of this podcast.

What’s the Best Way to Gather Reviews for my Book?

Other questions in this January 2021 Member Q&A Podcast include:

  • How do I improve my writing craft?
  • What’s the best way to self-publish literary fiction?
  • I’d like to donate profits of my book to a nonprofit. What should I be thinking about as I explore this?
  • What service should I use to create my website and blog?

Listen to, Watch, or Read the Podcast Here

Why Do I Need an Author Website?

Other questions in this February 2021 Member Q&A Podcast include:

  • Will IngramSpark promotion for ALLi members continue in 2021
  • Do I need liability insurance as an author?
  • Is it worth translating my print books?
  • What are the benefits of establishing a publishing company?

Listen to, Watch, or Read the Podcast Here

Surefire Book Launch Tips and How to Supercharge Your Sales

Other questions in this March 2021 Member Q&A Podcast include:

  • Where can I find ALLi’s Watchdog list of service providers?
  • How do I vet a service provider that may not be listed in the directory?
  • Is it worth entering my book for the London Book Fair Showcase in 2021?
  • Does ALLi offer discounts for various worldwide conferences?
  • If I translate my book into a foreign language, who owns the copyright?
  • What numbers matter the most to rights buyers when authors sell subsidiary rights?

Listen to, Watch, or Read the Podcast Here

Which eBook Aggregator is Best?

Other questions in this April 2021 Member Q&A Podcast include:

  • If I commission an artist to illustrate scenes from my book as a giveaway for fans, who owns the copyright: me or the illustrator?
  • Help! My publisher returned my book rights to me and I don’t know what to do next.
  • What is the best way to republish a book?
  • Should I format my own manuscript?

Listen to, Watch, or Read the Podcast Here

Do I Need Sample Edits for my Book?

Other questions in this May 2021 Member Q&A Podcast include:

  • Can I use someone else’s trademark in my book title?
  • When I commission artwork, does the copyright belong to me or the artist?
  • How can I design and format a book cover ready for printing? Or would a printer do that?
  • How do I submit a book to IngramSpark without having to pay any fees?

Listen to, Watch, or Read the Podcast Here

What’s the Best Way to Keep in Touch With My Readers?

Other questions in this June 2021 Member Q&A Podcast include:

  • Do editors charge different rates for non-native English speakers?
  • Does Barnes & Noble Press allow full control of copyright?
  • How much can you change in your book before it becomes a second edition?
  • Where can I find ALLi’s Contest Database?
  • Should I take my book out of KDP Select after the first 90 days?

Listen to, Watch, or Read the Podcast Here

How Do I Protect My Book From Pirates?

Other questions in this July 2021 Member Q&A Podcast include:

  • What are recommended WordPress themes for my author website?
  • Who is the best self-publishing aggregator?
  • Does ALLi recommend BookBaby?
  • And a new scam that a member wants other ALLi members to be aware of.

Listen to, Watch, or Read the Podcast Here

Author: Howard Lovy

Howard Lovy is an author, book editor, and journalist. He is also the Content and Communications Manager for the Alliance of Independent Authors, where he hosts and produces podcasts and keeps the blog updated. You can find more of his work at https://howardlovy.com/


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