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Secrets Of Successful Authors: Tactics Used By Authors Earning Over $5k Per Month: Ferol Vernon & Ricci Wolman

Secrets of Successful Authors: Tactics used by Authors Earning over $5k per Month: Ferol Vernon & Ricci Wolman


ricci-headshotferol-280x280-150x150Have you ever wondered how some authors manage to make it to the top of the best-seller charts and stay there? Pondered what strategies go into building a successful indie author career?

Written Word Media works with over 30,000 authors, from those just starting out to those living the dream, and in this session shares what their most successful authors are doing and how you can model it.

#IndieAuthorFringe Secrets of Successful #Authors @writtenwordm bit.ly/2rcJ9gs Share on X

What questions or feedback do you have for Ferol Vernon or Ricci Wolman? Leave them a comment below, or send them a Tweet using @writtenwordm and our event hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe

Click here to find out more about Ferol Vernon and Ricci Wolman


The winner of the session giveaway will receive a NewInBooks book promotion package valued at $499 to kickstart sales of your book.

The Book Launch Package

Great if your goals are: Driving Sales, Getting Reviews, Publicity, Building Buzz

The Book Launch package is perfect if you are trying to generate a lot of buzz around your book quickly, and you want someone to do the bulk of that work for you. The book launch package will get you your first sales, seed future reviews, and drive impressions of your book through all our channels. The book launch package includes

  • Placement of your book in our weekly email to over 75k readers
  • Your book featured in our weekly roundup of new releases
  • A custom written Book Recommendation List that includes your title (see description below)
  • Dedicated promotion on all social channels, Facebook (37k fans), Instagram (12k fans) and Twitter (2k followers)
  • An author interview on newinbooks.com with links to purchase your new book
  • A detailed report summarizing all your promotional activity and audience engagement

Ferol Vernon

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    Author: Indie Author Fringe

    The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


    This Post Has 2 Comments
    1. This was a very informative session. I take some solace in knowing that my journey is not in vain. The statistical information shed light on a few key points some of which I practice, others of which I will incorporate. Thank you.

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