You've found your way to the very first post by the Alliance of Independent Authors, here on our brand new self-publishing advice blog.
A lot of people ask us why are so many authors going indie and self-publishing these days? The short answer is: because we can.
Self-publication served only a tiny number of writers before digital technology enabled print-on-demand and the direct distribution of ebooks. This technology simultaneously does four things that are very good for writers.
- It gives us a global readership, instead of confining us to specific territories.
- Our books are continually available: there is no such thing as ‘out-of-print' any more.
- Now that there are a variety of distribution methods, we can choose which ‘middlemen' – agents, publishers, print facilities, distributors, publicists – we wish to work with. We can take charge of our own book's destiny.
- It gives our readers a point-of-purchase just at the moment they discover they want our book.
As the creative and financial possibilities of this revolution make themselves felt, the self-publishing option is attracting more and more writers, both those who are having difficulty finding a traditional publisher and those who have previously trade published.
Self-publishing is largely a learning-by-doing activity and we will be bringing you all you need to know about writing, publishing and selling great books.
We have a growing membership of gifted and successful writers and a team of world-class advisors who are happy to share what they know.
And lots of writers who are just taking their first tentative steps along the path too.
The indie author movement is here to stay and we're very pleased to be enabling writers to work together for each other in this way.
We hope you'll stay with us so we can learn, grow and succeed together.
I submitted a question a week ago asking if anyone had heard anything good or bad about Wing Span Publishing in Texas. I got there name from Lightening Source, Inc. for editing and program help but they ended up also being a publisher. Before I sign a contract I want to know they are safe. Thank you.
Hi Cindy, sorry if no-one has got back to you with a response – the comments section isn’t necessarily the most visible place to ask a question of this kind. Mick Rooney, who is part of our Watchdog service, has written a detailed review, and I hope this helps you decide: If this leaves you with any questions, please feel free to contact Mick – there are contact details at the end of the pice. More generally, you will find our handbook “Choosing a Self-Publishing Service” very useful in helping you choose author services with confidence: