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Welcome To The Indie Author Fringe Conference BEA 2016

Welcome to the Indie Author Fringe Conference BEA 2016

For the next 24 hours, the Indie Author Fringe Conference BEA 2016 is taking over the self-publishing advice blog. Attend by visiting the home page:


Book Expo America logo BEA Indie Author FringeAs each session goes live it will appear HERE on our home page (Please remember to refresh your browser if nothing shows up when it's meant to.)

Head on over to our HOT SEAT, where our speakers and sponsors will be dropping by throughout the day to answer your questions.

We kick off below with a welcome from us, the Fringe Organizers — ALLi Director Orna Ross, social media maven Jay Artale and technical whizz David Penny.

Indie Author Fringe Organisers

All working indie authors too, just like you.

Then it's 24 hours, 26 sessions of the finest education for indie authors, from the top self-publishing authors and advisors in the world.

Prepare to be inspired.

More Information about How to Attend Indie Author Fringe

#IAF16 Kicked off #IndieAuthor Fringe. 24hrs of inspiration straight to your screens. http://bit.ly/IAFBEAOp Share on X

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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