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TwitterChat: The Top 100 Tools For Authors

TwitterChat: The Top 100 Tools for Authors

headshot of Tim Lewis

Tim Lewis, ALLi Author Member and Twitter chat host

On the ALLi Twitter chat (#indieAuthorChat) this week we asked questions about The Top 100 Tools for Authors

The Indie Author Twitter Chat runs for an hour, weekly on Wednesdays, at 8pm UK Time (3pm EST and noon Pacific Time). All you have to do to join in is follow the hashtag #IndieAuthorChat on Twitter.
The chats are a virtual meet-up for the self-publishing community on Twitter. If you're looking to connect with more people in our industry, joining The Indie Author Twitter Chat is the perfect way to start. Network with other authors and self-publishing professionals, learn new strategies and get answers to your most pressing questions from our guest experts.
Next time: This Wednesday (tomorrow) we have questions about Lessons from SelfPubCon 2020
Last Time: Did you miss the summary of last week's Twitter chat about Entering Book Awards with Hannah Jacobson. You can find that here: TwitterChat: Entering Book Awards with Hannah Jacobson

Author: Timothy Lewis

Tim Lewis is the host of the Begin Self Publishing Podcast www.beginselfpublishing.com and writes science-fiction and fantasy under the pen name Timothy Michael Lewis.


This Post Has One Comment
  1. Great and exhaustive list!

    Personally speaking, I use TweetDeck to schedule my tweets and follow relevant hashtags, while Hashtagify and Tagboard help me choose the right tags

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