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The Big Indie Author Data Drop Announcement

For indie authors, "data" often has negative connotations. We're words people, not numbers. Except, numbers are a core part of business, and we should all be better with data because it helps us grow, and increase income and performance. But what happens when the industry—our industry—doesn't provide us with the data that we need? That's where the Big Indie Data Drop comes in and exactly what the Alliance of Independent Authors is announcing today.
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Facts and Figures about Self Publishing: The Impact and Influence of Indie Authors

It's mind boggling that just 15 years ago, there were no iPhones, no Kindles and barely an inkling of the impending self-publishing revolution. In a few short years, indie authors have irrevocably changed the industry: now accounting for 24-34% of all ebook sales in the largest English-language markets, depending on which source you read (and none of them tell the full story). Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors #AskALLi team look at the facts and figures about self-publishing and the impact of indie authors on the wider publishing industry.
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