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Audiobook Narration Options

From Studio Recordings to Digital Voice Replicas: Audiobook Narration Explained with Jason Kelly

From traditional studio recordings to “synthetic narration” or “digital replicas” authors looking to produce an audiobook today will find lots of new terms being used in the industry. But what does it all mean? In this post, Jason Kelly from new ALLi partner Sounded.com shares his insight into the options available and the new terminology you may discover if you are exploring audiobook production today.
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ALLi AI Guidance 2024

AI Guidance for Indie Authors: Practical Steps from the Alliance of Independent Authors

The Alliance of Independent Authors has been following closely ongoing developments regarding AI and authorship in recent months. We know just how important it is for all of us as authors to understand how to keep our work safe, and how to work alongside AI as it develops. So, in today's post we share five practical steps to stay safe and stay ahead, based on our AI guidance for authors. 
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Self-Publishing News: Audiobooks Continue to Increase Market Share

Audiobooks have been growing in popularity for a decade, without much sign of that growth slowing. And, even if Generation Z loves paper books, they are also used to audio-first as the way to get information. But, while the market for audiobooks has been growing, their share of the overall book market has remained low in absolute terms - an inevitable consequence of starting from a very low base.
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