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Have You Subscribed To The ALLi Podcast Yet?

Have you Subscribed to the ALLi Podcast yet?

Headshot of Jay Artale

Jay Artale shares how to subscribe to our ALLi podcast episodes via Soundcloud, Stitcher and iTunes, and how to add our podcast feed to your RSS Reader. You'll be notified each time a new ALLi episode has been published so that you can listen to us on demand 24-7. Select the episodes that are relevant to you. Best of all? Our podcasts are portable and free.

Where to find the ALLi Podcast

On Soundcloud: Click here to visit our Podcast on Soundcloud

If you have a Soundcloud account (it's free) you can follow us via Soundcloud to get notified when a new podcast is available.

On iTunes: Click here to visit our iTunes Podcast

View in iTunes ALLi PodcastThe iTunes link above will open our podcast in your web browser and you can click on the View in iTunes button to open our podcast playlist in your iTunes app.

We've only recently added our podcasts to iTunes, so if you like listening to podcasts please head over there to subscribe, and while you're there, a rating and review would be welcomed..

On Stitcher: Click her to visit our Stitcher Podcast

Stitcher Podcast Logo for link to ALLi podcast

The Stitcher link will open our podcast in your web browser. You can also download the Stitcher app for your iOS, Android or Desktop.

Add our Podcast to your RSS Reader

If you use a RSS Reader to keep track of your blog posts from your favourite websites, you can add our RSS feed directly to your Reader.

Use Get RSS Feed to add our Podcast to your RSS Reader

Get RSS feed for SoundCloud or iTunes URL

Another way of adding the RSS feed to your RSS reader is to paste our Soundcloud or iTunes podcast URL into the Get RSS Feed website.

Get RSS Feed uses the URL to locate the RSS Feed for you. (This site is a useful tool for searching for the RSS feed for any of the podcasts you want to add to your Reader.)

Shrook RSS ReaderI use Shrook as my RSS Reader, and when I paste an RSS feed into my web browser, or click on the RSS button in the Get RSS Feed website, it automatically adds the RSS feed to be RSS Reader.

What is your favourite RSS Reader? Leave us a comment below.

Podcasts are on the rise

Podcast Logo Creative CommonsA few years ago, most podcasts were listened to via a computer. This meant you were anchored to one spot, and could only listen to podcasts at certain times during your day.

But in 2016, mobile (smartphone and tablets) are now the preferred method of consuming podcast content.

This has not only opened up the doors of opportunity of reaching a wider audience, but existing podcast listeners now have more windows of opportunity to catch up on their favourite podcast episodes.

You're not tied to the desk anymore, you can listen to podcasts during walks, at the gym, in the car, on your daily commute, or when you're traveling or on holiday. The possibilities are endless.

Where do you listen to your podcasts? Leave us a comment below.


Have you Subscribed to the ALLi Podcast yet? Here's how via Share on X


This Post Has One Comment
  1. As one of 50 million of deaf and hard of hearing people in USA and 600 million in the world, I cannot access podcasts unless they are coupled with full text transcripts. Would you please provide them along with podcasts? Thanks!

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