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The Schedule For Our Spring Self-publishing Advice Conference – Which Sessions Will Be Most Useful To You? (Saturday 14th April)

The Schedule for our Spring Self-publishing Advice Conference – Which Sessions Will Be Most Useful to You? (Saturday 14th April)

banner graphic for conference

headshot of Alexa Bigwarfe

Alexa Bigwarfe, #ALLiSPACon organizer, shares the latest news about our imminent conference

The ALLI 2018 Spring Self-Publishing Advice Conference (SPACon) Launches in three days.

Yes dear indie authors, it’s the final countdown.

Orna Ross and crew are having the time of their lives running the ALLi stand live London Book Fair events, while I watch from the other side of the pond and wish I could be part of it too.

If you're attending LBF, please do come visit the ALLi team at Stand 1E40. And the ALLi party is on Thursday 4 to 7pm.

We're also recording several key panel discussions for you to enjoy on Saturday, at our online 24-hour SPACon event, that goes live at 10am GMT, April 14th.

Sharing the SPACon Schedule

Speaking of SPACon – the final schedule of speakers is now available. As you’ll see no matter where you are in your publishing journey, we have a speaker with valuable insights and advice for you.

This is the latest best practice advice. No extras or fluff, just what you need to know now to succeed in writing, making and selling great books, in electronic, print or audio formats.

You can see all of our speakers here: http://selfpublishingadviceconference.com/speakers/

Personally, I'm really excited at the line-up and how much cutting edge information is crammed into this event. I am really excited about so many of the speakers and their presentations, but one really hit a chord with me: Claire Scobie‘s interview on how to help a loved one write their book is such a touching interview.

I had always promised my father I would help him write his story and publish his book. We never took the time to make it happen, and now he's no longer here to share his stories with me. If you have a loved one that has been asking for your help to write their book, be sure to catch Claire's presentation and don't wait until it's too late.

The full agenda is here: http://selfpublishingadviceconference.com/schedule/

We've also added some new giveaways!

  • Jay Artale, of Birds of a Feather Press is offering free ebook layout to one lucky winner.
  • You could also score a spot in AG Billig‘s Master Class in Author Power Branding, which includes a consultation call with her.
  • Do you need to get your author engine running? Mel Storm is offering one All-Access Pass to her Author Engine course, which covers everything you need to know about launching and marketing your book.

Please Help Us Spread the Word!

We'd love your help in sharing the word as we rapidly approach LBF SPACon 2018. We've got some easy-to-share tweets and Facebook posts for you to grab here: http://selfpublishingadviceconference.com/media

As ever, wishing you the best in indie publishing success!

Catch up with all the speakers and the schedule for the amazing free online #selfpub advice conference for indie authors #ALLiSPACon around the world here: https://selfpublishingadvice.org/spacon-preview/ Share on X

Author: Alexa Bigwarfe

Alexa Bigwarfe is an author, speaker, and publisher. Her writing career began as a therapeutic journey after her infant daughter passed away at 2-days old. Her debut book, Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother, launched an unexpected career in publishing and author coaching. Her most recent book, Ditch the Fear and Just Write It! is a guide to help female entrepreneurs who know they want to write a book but need the push to get started. The Women in Publishing Summit is her third online summit for writers, but the first focused solely on women. www.writepublishsell.com


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