Yes, it's that time of the year again! Our 24-hour marathon of incredible speakers and content to arm you with the tools you need for successful self-publishing is just a month away!
As you know, the world never stands still for indie authors and our conference is changing shape in 2018.
New Name
First up, we have a new name: the Self-Publishing Advice Conference (SPAC, if you'd like!), which makes it crystal-clear what we are doing:
providing best practice advice to any author interested in self-publishing a book for pleasure and profit
New Attitude
When we originally conceived of the conference, it was all about bringing the big book fairs (London Book Fair, Book Expo America and Frankfurt Book Fair) to indie authors and indies to the book fairs. Over the years, we've become uncomfortable with the “fringe” term.
Indies are not fringe to anything now, if we ever were. We are the pioneers, leading the way in publishing.
When BEA morphed into BE, it axed its self-publishing offering, so we have dropped our association with that event.
The date of the second event in our series will be announced in due course.
New Schedule
Our first new-look SPAC will run on April 14th, in conjunction with the London Book Fair, the most author-friendly of the big international fairs by far. So plan to join us then in our 24-hour marathon of content. And be sure to invite your author friends to register as well! Here's where to sign up so you needn't miss a single detail – our new website dedicated to the Self-publishing Advice Conference series:
New Speakers
We're in the process of putting up and finalizing speakers, but you can see who we have added so far here. Check back regularly, because we're adding speakers daily!
New Theme
This year, our theme is: Self-Publish for Pleasure and Profit. We can't wait to bring you information on how to be happy with your self-publishing efforts across all seven stages of publishing.
New Conference Coordinator

Alexa Bigwarfe, conference organiser for SPAC
We've hired a new conference coordinator, Alexa Bigwarfe.
Alexa is an eight-time self-published author, host of the Women in Publishing Summit online, author coach, and publisher. And of course a long-time partner member of ALLi.
“I'm thrilled to manage the ALLi conference, which is so famous among indie authors for its fantastic resources, tips, and tools,” says Alexa. “I've enjoyed consuming the content and participating in recent conferences, and we're excited to bring another extraordinary round of expertise to you in April 2018.”
If you have any questions about the conference or want to reach out to her about presenting during the Spring 2018 SPAC, you can email her at [email protected].
Don't Forget to Register
Here's the link again for you register yourself and to share with indie author friends:
Here's an invitation for all indie authors to attend #ALLi's free 24-hour #Selfpublishing Advice Conference on 14 April - check it out and feel free to share with #author friends! Share on X
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