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Book Promotion: Lateral Thinking With Movie Opportunity

Book Promotion: Lateral Thinking with Movie Opportunity

Author photo of Lucienne Boyce

Indie author Lucienne Boyce, pictured at Foyles, Bristol

It's always worth looking for events in the public eye that are relevant to your books and which may therefore provide opportunities to draw extra attention to your work. British author and historian Lucienne Boyce took advantage of the launch of the new Suffragette movie to bring her non-fiction book, The Bristol Suffragettes, to a new and wider audience. Here she explains what she did and how it worked out for her.


Suffragette: The Time is Now

cover of The Bristol Suffragettes by Lucienne Boyce

Lucienne Boyce's non-fiction book about the suffragette movement

Sitting over copious cups of tea in a Bristol café a few weeks ago with fellow suffragette enthusiast Rebecca Furness, the conversation turned to our excited anticipation of the soon-to-be-released film Suffragette.  It was going to be big: the first feature film about the suffragettes’ fight for women’s right to vote. Even before its release, it made headlines for being the first time a commercial crew had been allowed to shoot inside the Houses of Parliament. “You know,” said Rebecca, “you ought to do something to coincide with the release of the film.”

The film was due to premiere at the British Film Institute (BFI) London Film Festival on 7th October, and selected cinemas around the country were going to be live-streaming this red-carpet event. As soon as we learned that the local venue would be Bristol Cineworld, Hengrove, Rebecca telephoned the cinema and made us an appointment to speak with the manager. We offered to put up some display stands in the foyer, and suggested I give a short (twenty minute) pre-screening talk outlining the historical background and suffragette activity in Bristol, with a book signing afterwards.

To our delight, the idea was enthusiastically received. The only amendment was that they preferred the event to be on the day the film went on general release, 12 October 2015.

Whole Season of Films

photo of Rebecca and Lucienne with poster

Ready for action: Rebecca Furness and Lucienne Boyce

In the interim, I’d discovered that, in recognition of the current ground swell of interest amongst young women in women’s rights worldwide, Film Hub North (part of the BFI Film Audience Network) and Showroom Workstation have partnered with Pathé for the release of Oscar-tipped Suffragette, to coordinate a national season of films and special events entitledThe Time Is Now”, running from October to January 2016.

We offered them our event, and we were thrilled when they agreed that it could be part of The Time Is Now programme – not least because that meant we now had some funding. In addition, they generously sent us some fabulous film merchandise – postcards, badges and ribbons – which we were able to use as give-aways.

Our main problem was publicising the event, as we only got confirmation of the date a few days in advance. That meant we had to drop our original plans of sending a press release to local print media, and focus instead on on-line media. We also used Twitter and Facebook, mail-outs to individuals and groups we thought might be interested, as well as my website. Bristol Cineworld put out as much advance publicity as they could via their own Facebook page.

In the normal course of things, I would start publicising an event like this as far ahead as possible, and I’d be sending out press releases to local media (including radio and television) at least four weeks in advance, as well as submitting details to on-line and other “what’s on” listings.

Photo of Luciennes Info stand at cinema

Suffragette HQ at Cineworld on launch day

Photo of Lucienne with a buyer of her book

Lucienne chatted to audience members before and after her talks and sold signed copies of her book

We had great fun putting together our display, and were able to make a little “Suffragette HQ” in the cinema foyer, complete with bunting in the purple, white and green made by the ever-resourceful Rebecca. It attracted quite a bit of interest, and helped to generate book sales. My talk, given before the 5pm and 8pm screenings, was very kindly received. And as an extra bonus I was approached afterwards by an actress who appears in the film as a “ju-jitsu suffragette” (I didn’t get her name – if she happens to read this it would be lovely if she wanted to get in touch!).

Follow-up Activity

Bristol Cineworld followed up the event with a competition on Facebook. The prize included a signed copy of The Bristol Suffragettes, a film poster, and Suffragette badges and postcards. The Bristol Cineworld staff were a delight to work with: friendly, welcoming and helpful.

This all goes to show that keeping an eye on what’s happening in other media with a view to making connections to your book can be a fun, unusual and rewarding way of generating publicity and sales!

Lucienne with the cinema team

The Cineworld team were enormously helpful and interested

For More Information

You can watch a recording of the “red-carpet” live-stream from the British Film Festival here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2fc8EIjwCQ

Find out more about Bristol Cineworld on their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/cineworldbristol/?fref=photo

You can find The Time Is Now here:

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OVER TO YOU Please feel free to share via the comments box any case studies you have of similar ways in which you've exploited current affairs or topical cultural activities to promote your books.

#Authors: inspiring #selfpub #bookmarketing case study using movie connection - by @LucienneWrite #TTIN Share on X




Author: Lucienne Boyce

Lucienne Boyce writes historical fiction and non-fiction. She published The Bristol Suffragettes in 2013. She has published two historical novels, To The Fair Land (2012) and Bloodie Bones: A Dan Foster Mystery (2015). Bloodie Bones is a winner of the Historical Novel Society Indie Award 2016 and was also a semi-finalist in the M M Bennetts Award for Historical Fiction 2016. She has also published a Dan Foster novella – The Fatal Coin – with SBooks. The second Dan Foster novel, The Butcher’s Block, will be published in July.


This Post Has 10 Comments
  1. I loved reading your story! Back in January when Still Alice was released as a major motion picture, I did a similar project for my novel, Blue Hydrangeas, an Alzheimer’s love story. I did an all out sales promotion using paid ads, social media, and guest spots on as many blogs as I could arrange. It help me raise awareness of my book and I sold hundreds of copies. At the same time I was promoting Alzheimer’s awareness and the movie and book Still Alice, a win-win all around. I didn’t have the idea until just a few weeks before the movie’s opening and deliberated whether or not I should go ahead. The only answer was “you’d be a fool not to.”

  2. Really enjoyed the post, Lucienne. Love anything to do with films – I was once a PA to a film producer and adored it.

    I’m sure this extra dimension added greatly to the public’s perception of the film – which I thought absolutely marvellous – and am sure it will be a great boost to your book sales. Very well done!

    Now who do I still know in the movie business for my own novel…?

  3. I think that’s a wonderful idea and it’s great the cinema were so accommodating. I’d imagine your talk really added to the enjoyment of watching the film too.
    I brought out my (farming) book this year just before Ireland’s biggest 3 day agric event. It always gets lots of news coverage and although I’m sure I’d have got more PR if I had a publisher behind me, I did get two interviews on national radio stations.

  4. Very interesting post. Great to see that Bristol Cineworld were so helpful. Perhaps there’s even more publicity to come once the film is fully out and about?

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