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Self-publish For Less With ALLi Member Specials

Self-publish for less with ALLi member specials

ALLi logoGreat Deals and Discounts for ALLi Members

Roll up, roll up, dear ALLi members. Our news this week is all about some of our great discounts and deals on everything from setting up your book to marketing and advertising opportunities. Head over to the ALLi website and to the discounts and deals section to avail of these. First, here’s a quick run through of some of what’s on offer just now from some of our Partner Members.

  • IndieReader  ALLi members can avail of a 15% discount for advertising opportunities, professional book reviews and/ or entry into the 5th annual 2016 IR Discovery Awards. This means members have $33.75 off a regularly priced $225 book review, $3.75 off a regularly priced $25 Daily Sponsor ad and $22.50 off the regularly priced $150 IRDA sign-up.
  • IngramSpark  For all of this month, IngramSpark will waive all fees when setting up your titles. You will make savings of $49 on print; $25 on e-book; and $49 when print and e-book are done simultaneously. Additional benefits are no more warehouses costs, your book printed in rich colour, multiples formats, channel partners at your fingertips, and one platform to manage sales. This offer, which ends 31st May, is available also to non-members of ALLi, but at other times Spark also offers us exclusives. We'll be hosting a guest post from IngramSpark soon to clarify all the great things they're doing to support the indie author community and ALLi in particular.
  • Bublish  Whether you’ve written multiple books or are just setting out, Bublish’s  Authorpreneur Dashboard is designed to get your marketing campaign going and help you sell more books. ALLi members can avail of a discounted yearly fee of $79 (instead of $99, or $9.99 monthly).

There are many other inviting discounts and deals for members to check out, too. Also, we’d like to give a call-out this week to all of our Partner Members, inviting them to submit new offers to include on the ALLi site, if they haven’t done so already.

Catch Up On ALLi Insights and Have Your Self-Publishing Questions Answered

ALLi Insights for May was pre-recorded during April’s IndieReCon 2015 event – an event so massive and so filled with top-quality content that you may have been overwhelmed. So, get yourself a coffee, get comfy and log on our Google Hangout streamed discussion, which you can find here, between Jane Friedman and ALLi Director Orna Ross on all you need to know about Content Marketing.

Also through this link, all of your Self-Publishing questions will be answered by Joanna Penn and Orna Ross via a Google+Hangout event on Thursday 28th May 2015. (Click here to submit your questions).

How to #selfpublish for less as a member of #AuthorALLi by @RovingJay Share on X





This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. Hi Chris, we originally thought this was an offer for IndieReCon attendees… it appears it’s wider than that. It will last for May and it makes more sense to use it during that time than the usual ALLi offer, which is still in place, and will remain when the other offer ceases. However, we are encouraging Ingram to waive all upfront fees altogether in time — which will benefit all.

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