My guest this episode is Pauline Wilson, an Australian author who began writing historical fiction later in life when she discovered that her own family history was filled with stories that needed to be told. From former convicts to insane asylum inmates, Pauline found a wonderful cast of characters in her own ancestors. And whatever she couldn't dig up, she fictionalized.
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Listen to the Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Pauline Wilson
On the Inspirational Indie Authors podcast, @howard_lovy features Pauline Wilson, an Australian author who mines her own family history for fascinating characters and stories. Share on XDon't Miss an #AskALLi Broadcast
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Pauline Wilson. About the Author
Pauline Wilson is a writer and family historian who loves learning and research. She released her debut novel, Conflict at Hanging Rock, in July 2022 and her second novel, Breaking Freem was released in November 2023. Pauline writes historical fiction inspired by true stories of her ancestors. She has completed several courses with the Australian Writers Centre and is a graduate of the University of Tasmania Diploma of Family History. When she is not writing or researching she likes to read and take long walks. She lives in North East Victoria on the banks of the Murray River. You can find her on her website.
About the Host
Howard Lovy has been a journalist for more than 35 years, and now amplifies the voices of independent author-publishers and works with authors as a developmental editor. Find Howard at, LinkedIn and X.
If you’re a published indie author who would like to be interviewed by Howard for the Inspirational Indie Authors podcast, you need to be a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors.
Then contact Howard, including your membership number, explaining why you’re an inspirational indie author and what inspires you.
If you haven’t already, we invite you to join our organization.
“Reading this inspirational interview with Australian novelist Pauline Wilson felt like a breath of fresh air! It’s like sitting down for a cozy chat with a friend who shares captivating stories straight from her heart and heritage. Pauline’s ability to mine her own ancestry for rich characters and narratives is truly fascinating. Get ready to be inspired by her journey as she weaves together history, culture, and imagination into mesmerizing tales!”
Howard, how do I obtain a Pod interview with you? I believe I have a good background story to share on my road to becoming an independent author (author member of the Alliance of Independent Authors). I didn’t start writing as a published author until I was 75 years old and retired from a completely different occupation. Joanna Penn was a great inspiration for me to go independent. I dedicated my last three books to her and love her mystical genre. Please let me know your criteria.
Jack Holt, Author of The New Jerusalem
Writer of the “forgotten people of history’s mysteries”
Hi Jack,
Please write to me at Thanks!