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How To Print A Personalized Copy Of A Self-published Book

How to Print a Personalized Copy of a Self-published Book


If you're already an IngramSpark customer, you'll know that when you order copies direct from your IngramSpark account, you can buy them at a special author price, and have them shipped anywhere in the world that is served by the company – which is most of it –  no matter where you are ordering from.

And if you're an ALLi member, you should already be taking advantage of their generous offer to waive set-up costs for paid members of the Alliance of Independent Authors. Indeed, many indie authors find they recoup more than the cost of their annual ALLi membership through the savings they make using our exclusive code.

Now there's a new benefit to using IngramSpark – the facility to produce a one-off personalized copy of any of your print books, any time, for just $1 extra per book.

All future orders of your book – including those ordered by third parties – will remain unchanged unless you add personalization to other orders. (One of the many advantages of using IngramSpark for print-on-demand is that distributors and wholesalers can order copies of your book directly, but the personalization service is a special privilege only for you as author-publisher.)

Marketing Ideas for Personalized Copies

IngramSpark's website suggests several potential uses for personalized copies of your books:

  • Giveaway prizes – desirable rewards for competitions and promotions
  • Gifts for special friends – the kind of present that other people's money can't buy
  • Book club special editions, thanking members for choosing your book and including discussion questions
  • Commemoration of events – conferences or litfests at which you're a speaker, thanking and engaging with delegates

We've thought of a few more:

  • Celebrating a publishing milestone
    The 1000th book or 10,000th or millionth – a special commemorative edition  to mark your milestones. (Or even the very first print copy you produce!) With any luck, it may in time become a collector's item!
  • Thank-you gifts for your team members
    What a lovely way to to thank those who helped you get your latest book across the line: beta readers, editors, cover designers, etc
  • A special dedication edition for the person whose name appears on your dedication page

OVER TO YOU How will you take advantage of this fun new feature? We'd love to hear your suggestions!

Don't have an account with IngramSpark yet? Click this link to sign up now! 

#Indieauthors - like to be able to create special print copies of your books with personalized from pages? Easily done via @IngramSpark! @DebbieYoungBN explains how Share on X

From the ALLi Author Advice Center Archive


This Post Has 7 Comments
  1. I would like to be able to specify a Ship From location, chosen from a drop-down list, perhaps. That way I could use this nice feature to send special copies of books to people outside the US. It isn’t worth $25 postage to ship a signed copy from Austin to the UK, but it could be worth a few pounds of postage (or whatever book rate is over there) to ship it from Ingram’s UK printing facility.

  2. Here’s my suggestion. If your book can be used as a “premium” for certain businesses to purchase and give to their customers, the personalized page can read something like, “A special gift to our loyal customers from the author and XYZ Corporation” (or dentist’s office, engineering firm, architect’s office, psychiatrist’s office, etc). A suitable book could be purchased in bulk by the companies using it as a gift (Christmas gifts could be a huge market for large businesses that might otherwise send out fruit baskets or jimcracks of some kind), and any appropriate wording could be added to the page to gently further the business’s image. And the author’s.

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