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Our Round-up Of Indie Author Podcasts For Your Holiday Listening

Our round-up of Indie Author Podcasts for your Holiday Listening

Headshot of Jay Artale

Our Communications Manager, Jay Artale, has put together a roundup of our Ask ALLi and Indie Author Fringe podcasts, and coaxes us to take time for ourselves over the festive season to listen and be inspired.

Take a Walk, Listen to a Podcast

This time of year is all about time with family and friends and possibly eating to much. As the majority of authors I know are this side of introverted, there will be some time during the festive season where you may want to just get away from other human beings for a short while, and walk to recharge your social batteries.

Manhattan Beach California

Manhattan Beach, I'm not the only one enjoying some solitude

I've migrated to Los Angeles for the winter and have been doing a daily 6 mile walks along the beach. These walks are excellent for clearing the head, and I've been using the time to give some of our Ask ALLi and Indie Author podcasts a second spin.

South Bay Los Angeles for a daily walk

Walk along the South Bay Los Angeles

I like this uninterrupted time to listen and process thoughts as I walk, and I seem to be able to absorb the advice and inspiration better when I multi-task exercise and listening together, rather than passive listening in the comfort of an armchair.

Santa listening to musicSo if you'd like to sprinkle your festive walks with some indie author advice or inspiration to help your plot and plan your goals for 2017, work your way through the following Podcast Playlists:

Ask ALLi Podcast

Each month Orna Ross and Joanna Penn answer questions from our ALLi members about writing, self-publishing and being and author. These monthly podcasts not only offer advice to authors, but also include inspiration from Orna and Joanna as they navigate the self-publishing waters for themselves (newest podcasts at the bottom of the list):

Indie Author Fringe Podcast

Our Indie Author Fringe Podcasts were recorded as part of our fringe events to the London Book Fair, BookExpo America (now known as BookExpo), and the Frankfurt Book Fair. Listen to industry experts and fellow authors share their writing, publishing and book marketing knowledge and experience with you (newest podcasts at the bottom of the list):


Where to find the ALLi Podcast

On Soundcloud: Click here to visit our ALLi Podcast on Soundcloud

If you have a Soundcloud account (it's free) you can follow us via Soundcloud to get notified when a new podcast is available.

On iTunes: Click here to visit our iTunes Podcast

View in iTunes ALLi PodcastThe iTunes link above will open our podcast in your web browser and you can click on the View in iTunes button to open our podcast playlist in your iTunes app.

We've only recently added our podcasts to iTunes, so if you like listening to podcasts please head over there to subscribe, and while you're there, a rating and review would be welcomed..

On Stitcher: Click her to visit our Stitcher Podcast

Stitcher Podcast Logo for link to ALLi podcast

The Stitcher link will open our podcast in your web browser. You can also download the Stitcher app for your iOS, Android or Desktop.

Add our Podcast to your RSS Reader

If you use a RSS Reader to keep track of your blog posts from your favourite websites, you can add our RSS feed directly to your Reader.

Use Get RSS Feed to add our Podcast to your RSS Reader

Get RSS feed for SoundCloud or iTunes URL

Another way of adding the RSS feed to your RSS reader is to paste our Soundcloud or iTunes podcast URL into the Get RSS Feed website.

Other notable indie author podcasts:

  • Orna's Go Creative! PodcastGo Creative! The Creativist Show is a bi-weekly broadcast by ALLi Director, Orna Ross, about living life as a creative writer and publisher — but also as a creativist. These 15-20 minute broadcasts will inspire you to discover your own path to a creativist life .

  • Creative Penn Podcasts: Podcast episodes will be posted every Monday and will cover interviews, inspiration and information on writing and creativity, publishing options, book marketing and creative entrepreneurship.
  • Self-Publishing Formula: Starting out as an indie writer? Or a seasoned pro with a string of bestsellers behind you? The Self Publishing Podcast is here to give you insights into what’s working and what isn’t in the fast changing indie world.

Share your Author Podcast with us

Podcast Logo Creative Commons

If you have your own podcast that is targeted at indie authors leave a comment below with the link, and a brief description of what your podcast focuses on.


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    This Post Has 6 Comments
    1. Boy did you miss a great podcast for Indie authors. 2PagesOfMystery.com – great source for getting short mystery stories published and turned into audiobooks. Free service and everything!

    2. I can’t miss the opportunity to post my indie author podcast Self-Publishing Journeys here: http://self-publishing-journeys.com/

      Self-Publishing Journeys focuses on self-published authors who are at the beginning of their careers – I speak to authors who have at least one book self-published and who have begun to make sales.

      My guests have a good online presence and tips to share about getting momentum going with marketing.

      You’ll hear many authors who are associated with ALLi on the show, many you won’t have heard from before.

      I would love to see you over at http://self-publishing-journeys.com/ if you’re a podcast lover 🙂

      1. Hi Paul
        Just wanted to say how much I’m enjoying your podcast – I’m working my way through the back list of sessions. It is so good to hear a northern voice – I like your style of interviewing. It’s also interesting to hear authors who are at varying stages in their journeys. I would definitely recommend it.
        best wishes
        Julie Cordiner

    3. Hi,
      Great to see a collection of Indie author podcasts that you’ve compiled.
      I am the creator and host of MyKitaab (My Book) – http://www.mykitaab.in; which is a podcast on How to Publish and Market Your Books. With over 80 episodes till date, the focus is largely on the Indian market, though I also interview international guests and self publishing platforms, apps and startups in book publishing. Thanks

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