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Member Milestones: Celebrating Your Success

Member Milestones: Celebrating Your Success

Welcome back to member milestones. Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors is continuing the series of posts celebrating your success. As always, we're very proud of all of our members at every level. A huge congratulations to the members featured today. 

Gillian Angrave headshot

Gillian Angrave

Author Member

Gillian Angrave is a travel writer. Find out more on her website.


Aged seventy-seven, I have just self-published my fifth book ‘Skirting the World – My Life as an Ambassador's PA'.  Marketing it is hard, but I am progressing.  

Why are you Proud?

Managing to write my book at my age, whilst having a very busy job as a Registrar of Marriages, has been a challenge, but I have succeeded and sales during the first two weeks look promising.   

What Have You Learned?

I have as my mantra: “The only difference between who you are, and who you want to be, is what you do.” Anything is possible if you work hard and maintain a positive attitude. I try to be an inspiration to the younger generation.  

Alice McVeigh headshot

Alice McVeigh

Author Member

Alice McVeigh is a contemporary, speculative and historical fiction author. Find out more through her Linktree.


Well, my first Austenesque novel won the Global, Pencraft, eLit and Historical Fiction Company gold medals in its category – and was finalist in everything from the Goethe to the Wishing Shelf. Everybody seemed to love Susan: A Jane Austen prequel was even a BookLife Quarterfinalist. But Harriet: A Jane Austen  variation (and, frankly, a better book) has only won the Global (historical fiction). I received anonymous one-stars on Goodreads and Amazon, even librarything too – even actual abuse – for daring to imagine Harriet, in Austen's Emma, as anything other than being dim and foolish. 

BUT… and only very recently, Harriet has been announced as a finalist for both the Foreword Indies Book of the Year (general fiction) and Chanticleer's Chatelaine awards. I am just beyond happy that my ‘ugly sister' is being recognised at last!!

Why are you Proud?

I am over sixty, and laboured for over five decades with undiagnosed ADHD. Diagnosed at long last, I now feel that I could do almost anything.

What Have You Learned?

Not to write off a book that you always believed in. Not to let the nasties get you down. Not to think you're too old. Not to give up.

Mary Ellen Boyd headshot

Mary Ellen Boyd

Author Member

Mary Ellen Boyd is a romance author of Regency and Biblical fiction. Find out more on her Facebook.


I've published 7 books so far.

Why are you Proud?

Each book is a triumph, but to think I started with a single book, and now have 7 (going on 8), plus a free reader magnet—I never thought I'd get this far.

What Have You Learned?

To keep going. Keep writing, keep publishing, try new things and not be afraid to branch out. 


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