Welcome back to member milestones. Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors is continuing the series of posts celebrating your success. As always, we're very proud of all of our members at every level. A huge congratulations to the members featured today.

Editor Katherine Kirk
Associate Member
Katherine Kirk is a hopeless semantic who travels the world, herding commas and paving plot holes for indie authors and publishers. Find out more about Katherine on Instagram.
I completed my 100th editing project!
Why are you proud?
Building my business from nothing‚ starting the day after the world shut down‚ has been a challenge, and I've loved every minute of it. I'm honored to be part of bringing a hundred stories, novels, games, magazines, and anthologies to readers all over the world, and I'm looking forward to the next hundred.
What have you learned?
Training, networking, and consistent effort are all key ingredients, but I definitely couldn't have gotten this far without the support of my fellow ALLi, CIEP, and EFA colleagues, whose relentless enthusiasm, wisdom, and encouragement has carried me through every high and low.

Author Linda Maxie
Author Member
Linda Maxie is a retired librarian who has turned her passion for matching books with readers into books that do the same. She lives in Virginia in the United States with her husband, Roger, and her rescued dog Dusty Marie. Find out more about Linda on Facebook.
My first book, Library Lin's Curated Collection of Superlative Nonfiction, was a finalist for the Eric Hoffer Award in the Reference category.
Why are you proud?
Only ten percent of the entrants in the contest make it to the final tier of judging. I was competing against books from small presses and academic presses.
What have you learned?
Quality matters. I spent almost three years producing the book and paid for excellent editing and formatting services. I also learned that I loved producing books.

Author Svetlana Kouznetsova
Author Member
Svetlana Kouznetsova is an independent B2B accessibility strategy consultant and accessibility trailblazer, specializing in making businesses' web, media, and events more accessible to the 1.85 billion disabled people worldwide, benefiting both the business and customers. With expertise in accessibility and personal experience with deafness, Svetlana offers valuable insights into the importance of accessibility for improved experiences, expanded audience, and increased ROI. Find out more about her on her website.
I published the second edition of my book last fall.
Why are you proud?
I'm proud of publishing my book because English is not my first language and I have had to deal with the lack of communication and information access as a deaf person. When younger, I didn't think I would someday publish my own book, let alone in a language other than English.
What have you learned?
Publishing a book is a very rewarding experience.