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First Indie Author Event At Digital Book World

First Indie Author Event at Digital Book World

DBW logoIn an exciting and timely development at Digital Book World (DBW), the pre-eminent conference and expo on ebook publishing now running in New York, the self-publishing sector has been allocated its own day-long event, and ALLi's founder and director Orna Ross is a crucial part of it.

headshot of Orna Ross

ALLi founder Orna Ross: guest speaker at DBW 2017

As Dan Holloway previewed in his news round-up here on Tuesday, today (Thursday 19th January) is the big day when indie authors will be under the spotlight at DBW. Led by The Hot Sheet's Porter Anderson and Jane Friedman, it's running under the exciting heading “First Conference for the New Professional Author”, and you can find the full programme here.

This is a terrific example of an important event in publishing opening up to indies.

For the benefit of all ALLi members who were not able to attend, Orna will be reporting back on the conference, the expo, and the latest hot news re digital pubishing here on our blog next week.

More About Our #PublishingOpenUp Campaign

In the meantime, if you'd like to find out more about our campaign to open up the publishing trade to indie authors, check out this previous post:


New #indieauthor day at @digibookworld features our founder @OrnaRoss Share on X


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