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How To Find And Manage A Great Team Of Beta Readers: Belinda Pollard

How To Find And Manage A Great Team of Beta Readers: Belinda Pollard


“I can’t find the right ones.” “They don’t respond in time.” “They don’t give me anything useful.” “They are too nice.” “They broke my heart.” Belinda Pollard has been a developmental editor for many years, and sees beta readers as the quiet superheroes of today’s publishing. Drawing from her experience of assembling an outstanding team, she outlines the challenges of finding and managing beta readers. You, too, can have a great team on your side. A practical session full of tips you can start using straight away.

#IndieAuthorFringe How To Manage A Great Team of #BetaReaders @Belinda_Pollard bit.ly/2mDd01a Share on X

Click here to find out more about Belinda Pollard


Hot off the press, a paperback copy of the upcoming Beta Reader Superhero: How to Get and Give Amazing Manuscript Evaluations by Belinda Pollard. For more info, check this link.

Belinda Pollard

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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