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Gifts For Writers

Gifts for Writers

Welcome to the first in our series of festive posts. No matter where you are in the world or what holiday you're celebrating, we've got some top gifts for writers. Throughout November, we called on the ALLi membership to tell us what gifts they'd put on their wish lists. Today, we're sharing some of our favorite gifts.

Kayleigh Brindley

These Procrastination Pencils from The Literary Gift Company provide fun and quirky prompts to tempt you from your work. Whether you choose to follow the prompts or use the pencils as a reminder that you should probably be writing, these are a fantastic (and affordable) gift for writers.

Sticking with the theme of procrastination, quite a few of our author members recommended the Freewrite Traveler. Billed as the “ultimate *portable* distraction-free writing tool” this gift is extremely tempting. Wouldn't it be lovely to just turn off all outside distractions and lose yourself in your writing?

For writers who have a book signing on the horizon, what could be better than a nice new pen? Although, perhaps not this 18 carat, hand-crafted, limited edition Parker Pen suggested by author member Debbie Young which, whilst beautiful, is a touch expensive.

gifts for writersThis quirky Old Book Shop Grab Bag would make the perfect gift for writers who love detail as it comes complete with an awning and spiral staircase giving it a Mary Poppins feel and making it the perfect place to store your trusty notebook and pen!

If you long for the clickety-clack of the traditional type-writer but can't stand the messy ribbon, this QwerkyWriter Keyboard makes a great alternative with its charming aesthetic and the satisfying clack of the carriage return bar. 

For the writers struggling to stay awake, the perfect gift is a simple one – the official fuel of many authors. Coffee machines – pod, filter or espresso – no matter your poison, a coffee machine is a great gift for your writer friend…or yourself.

Is the writing cave feeling a little chilly as we approach December? Why not warm things up with some fingerless gloves, this cashmere pair made from recyclable materials will keep you warm and feeling good, while these gorgeous book quilts make perfect blankets, bed throws or wall-hangings!

gifts for writers

Most writers were readers first, and at some point, we've all dreamt of owning a bookstore. Now you can! This DIY Miniature Bookstore Kit allows you to create the perfect old-fashioned bookstore. When it's built, place it on your desk and visualise a similar store filled with your books as inspiration to keep writing.

Some of the more wishful thinking gifts from our author members included a brilliant marketing expert for a year and an all-expenses-paid writing retreat. Worth putting on your wish list if you have friends in high-places or you could just download a screensaver of a tropical beach and crank up the heat.

Finally, we have the greatest gift of all for any writer – undisturbed time to write!

Want to Give a Book as a Present? Check These Out... #selfpublishing #IARTG #ASMRG #amwriting #writingcommunity #writetip Share on X


What gifts are you asking for this festive period?

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This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Awesome article! I am a writer, and I was happy to read something like this. Of course, this article cheered me up and made me believe in a New Year’s miracle. 2020 has been a tough year with ups and downs. But I made great strides as a writer, wrote many reviews of the best writing services, and started writing my book.

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