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ALLi Insights Event Banner For July Helen Sedwick

ALLi Insights July

Writers should not be losing money and sleep by signing on with the publishing company or getting sued for copyright infringement. With the right information, writers can protect their rights and their wallets. ALLi Insights with Helen Sedwick and Orna Ross. How-to for authors.
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IndieRecon 2015 Icon Alliance Of Independent Authors

Indie ReCon

A Global Online Conference: April 15/16/17 Three packed days of advice and education about self-publishing and reaching readers. PLUS this year: a live-streamed Indie Author Fringe Festival, from the London Book Fair (Book & Screen Week). The best news? IndieReCon 2015 is run by authors…

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ALLi Insights Generic Logo

ALLi Insights: March Seminar

ALLi Insights are free to attend educational seminars on self-publishing, with some of the industry’s leading experts. Filled with tips and advice, join us each month as we explore all stages of the self-publishing process, and show you how to self-publish successfully.
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