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Attend Our Upcoming Self-Publishing Advice Conference Free On October 17th

Attend our upcoming Self-Publishing Advice Conference free on October 17th

It's that time of the year again.  Time for the twice-yearly Self-Publishing Advice Conference, #SelfPubCon, run in association with Alliance of Independent Authors. Here's how to attend for free, purchase an all-access pass, and catch up with the news since last time.
Mark the date and time. The next SelfPubCon runs from 17th to 18th October 2020, 10am to 10am (U.K, BST).

SelfPubCon runs twice a year, hosting 24 world-class video self-publishing presentations for indie authors across 24 hours. All free for you. As you'll see if you hop over to the conference home page, we've got a fantastic line up of speakers offering news and interviews, webinars and presentations about the tools that can help you to write more effectively, make better books, and reach more readers.

We've created this conference to empower you to become a better writer, book maker, publisher and business owner.

All you need to participate is a pen, paper, and the drive to learn more.

What is the October 2020 SelfPubCon all About?

There are a stack of courses, resources, and virtual summits out there for writers, but our upcoming #SelfPubCon is unique. Why? It's focused exclusively on helping you find and use the best tools and tech in the market for indie authors–all vetted and approved by the ALLi Watchdog.

#SelfPubCon Oct 2020 features the best self-publishing tools and technology for indie authors, as chosen by the Alliance of Independent Authors advisors and team. Tools that save authors to save time and money, to write and make better books, to reach more readers, and to run a better author-publishing business.

We've only room for 24 sessions, so as part of the conference, we're compiling a list of the top 100 tools for indie authors, as recommended and used by the ALLi team and key advisors.

The tools will be revealed, pre-conference, on Twitter (the live-chat platform for the conference) across three days under the #SelfPubConTop100 hashtag.

October 2020 SelfPubCon: Conference Team

It always takes many members of the ALLi team to help set up and run the conference.

Kayleigh Brindley

Kayleigh Brindley, ALLi Conference Liason

Kayleigh Brindley is at the heart of it all, doing an amazing job as speaker and sponsor liaison, Howard edits and processes the presentations and ensures they go live at the right time. Then there's Robin with tech support hat on, Dean on design and user experience, Sarah helping out on admin, and Orna at the helm as programmer and boss extraordinaire!
And also me. After managing several conferences, I'm taking a back seat this time but I'll be promoting the conference through the ALLi blog, contributing my thoughts on top tools and helping out any way I can.
Like everything at ALLi, it's a team effort — a team I am hugely proud to be a part of.

How to Attend the October 2020 SelfPubCon for FREE!

The Self-Publishing Advice Conference is totally FREE to attend live and for the duration of the conference and the following 48 hours: three days in all. All you have to do is register for free here.

After that you need an access pass, available for six-month and lifetime access not just to this conference … but all the conferences since 2018 and all the conferences to come. You can find out more about Access Passes here.

(ALLi members have free access passes for the lifetime of their membership. Members: log in to allianceindependentauthors.org and navigate to ADVICE > CONFERENCE and follow the instructions).

A Final Word on the October 2020 SelfPubCon

As the previous conference manager, I’m super excited by the line-up Kayleigh, Orna and the rest of the ALLi has brought together this year. If you want to learn how to pull together the perfect publishing tools, tech and theme for your books and author business, then… this is the conference for you.

Don't waste time wondering and bewildered. Learn from the people who have ‘been there, done that'.

Here's all you need to know about  how to access the conference for three days or forever.

And don't forget, if you’ve registered for Selfpubcon free days before, your registration still stands for this conference. If you’re unsure, you can check by trying to register here

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    Author: Sacha Black

    Sacha Black is a bestselling and competition-winning author. She writes the popular YA Fantasy Eden East novels and a series of non-fiction books that are designed to help writers develop their craft. Sacha is also a developmental editor, wife and mum. Website: www.sachablack.com


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