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Building a Sense of Community by Melissa Foster of World Literary Cafe


Melissa Foster is the award-winning author of three International bestselling novels, a community builder for the Alliance of Independent Authors, and a touchstone in the indie publishing arena. When she’s not writing, Melissa teaches authors how to navigate the book marketing world, build their platforms, and leverage the power of social media, through her author-training programs on Fostering Success. Melissa is also the founder of the World Literary Café, and the social and support network for women, the Women’s Nest.


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  2. Thank you Melissa for this great advice. I love my in person writing groups and I agree that they have helped me in wondrous ways along my career to becoming a published author.

    To be honest, I like the concept of an on-line community, but I’m a little intimidated at the same time. I enjoy my in person critique groups but with an on-line community I fear that I won’t get the same in-depth feedback that I do with my in person groups. Can you offer some tips on how to transfer the mojo of the in person community to an on-line one?

  3. How about policing language, berating authors for their ignorance, but refusing to answer any questions; posting claims that are outright false then telling anyone who disagrees they know nothing and need you years of experience in the industry to understand; ccalling them arrogant for trying to explain themselves; ban them; then ignore it when they go on to sell a half million books?

    Or are some forums doing it wrong? 🙂

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