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Author Tools You Can Use To Reach Your Readers: Carla King

Author Tools You Can Use to Reach Your Readers: Carla King

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carla-king-2-bwCarla King, the author of the Self-Publishing Boot Camp Guide for Authors has collated the best tools you can use to reach more readers and build your fan base, whatever your genre. These tools are easily integrated into your website and let you listen and respond to readers, attract and reward fans, and sell direct.

Learn how to vary pricing to leverage the power of free without sacrificing profit; how to generate a monthly income with subscriptions to your works-in-progress; how to pre-sell — and more.

#IndieAuthorFringe #Author Tools to Reach Your Readers @carlaking Share on X

What questions or feedback do you have for Carla King? Leave her a comment below, or send her a Tweet using @carlaking and our event hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe

Click here to find out more about Carla King

IAF BookExpo BookBaby Offer


Carla is offering all session attendees a free copy of her “A Consumer's guide to Self-publishing tools and services“.

Find out about business and productivity tools, editing software, crowdfunding sites, affiliate programs, and website and blog tools are included, too!

Carla King

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


This Post Has 3 Comments
  1. Hi Carla, I just watched your very informative video. Thank you for putting this together. I really like the idea of the bookfunnel to make it easy for readers to download books in their preferred ereader. I also like Gumroad for selling my physical book via my website. I have a little “Contact Me” where people can email me but then I have to work out payment with them. This will make it so much easier to sell books via my website. I love Aerio! How cool is that? I host many other children’s authors on my blog so having this store on my site will enhance my website to give readers even more reason to stop in. I also love the idea of LeanPub. I had heard about a site where you could write and people could follow you, but I had forgotten the name of the site. LOL However, this gives a way to actually sell once you’ve completed your book. I already use PayPal and I had heard about Patreon. I’m not sure how I could use Patreon at the moment but maybe as I continue to write and gain followers. Thanks so much! I loved your video!

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