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Alliance Of Independent Authors Member News. Bulletin #8

Alliance of Independent Authors Member News. Bulletin #8

Every Wednesday ALLi will tell the world about our members' latest book launches, news, awards, freebies, workshops and updates on the writing life — our #WriterWednesday (#WW) update.

James Minter

James-Minter-Head-and-shoulders-150x225I have a medical condition called Haemochromatosis (Iron Overload) – it’s a genetic disorder that not many people know about but it touches 1 in 8 people. Personally I’m fine because I was diagnosed before any long-term problems kicked in but there is an estimated 3.75million people in Northern Europe walking around unaware they have this potentially fatal condition.
I’m beating the drum: to this end I’ve written a spoof thriller (The Unexpected Consequences of Iron Overload  ) to a) raise awareness, b) raise funds for the Haemochromatosis Society and c) bring a smile to people who are suffers.

Since mid-October I’ve raised £2,500 through donations and royalties so it’s not going too bad but more is always better.

You can follow James on Twitter @james_minter


If you are a member of  The Alliance of Independent Authors and you would like to showcase your work on our Writers' Wednesdays, please send it it [email protected] to reach me no later than the Friday preceeding the Wednesday you would like it published.

Author: Karen Lotter

Writer, photographer, workaholic info-junkie, Wordpress fan, blogger, aging geek, toyi-toying optimist, social media trainer, web writer. www.ethekwiniweb.co.za


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